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Recent developments in smart mobile devices (SMDs), wearable sensors, the Internet, mobile networks, and computing power provide new healthcare opportunities that are not restricted geographically. This paper aims to introduce Mobilemicroservices Architecture (MMA) based on a study on architectures. In MMA, an HTTP-based Mobilemicroservivce (MM) is allocated to each SMD’s sensor. The key benefits are extendibility, scalability, ease of use for the patient, security, and the possibility to collect raw data without the necessity to involve cloud services. Feasibility was investigated in a two-year project, where MMA-based solutions were used to collect motor function data from patients with Parkinson’s disease. First, we collected motor function data from 98 patients and healthy controls during their visit to a clinic. Second, we monitored the same subjects in real-time for three days in their everyday living environment. These MMA applications represent HTTP-based business-logic computing in which the SMDs’ resources are accessible globally.
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