IOS Press Ebooks - Effects of User Participation in the Development of Health Information Systems on Their Evaluation Within Occupational Health Services
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Information management and the usability of health information systems (HIS) are important for the development of HIS in occupational health services. User participation in the HIS development process has been shown to contribute to the success of an HIS. The purpose of this study was to analyze how user participation in HIS development affected evaluation of the success of HIS. The success was assessed on the basis of the DeLone and McLean Information Systems (IS) Success Model. The study was conducted within occupational health services and the data (n=210) was analyzed with quantitative methods. The results showed that users participating in the HIS development process assessed the success of the HIS as better than those that had not taken part in the development. This difference could be seen in all seven dimensions of the DeLone and McLean IS success model but was statistically significant only for System Quality and Intention to Use. The results also showed that the users that had participated in the HIS development process also used the HIS more often and more extensively than those that had not participated in the development. The results indicate that user participation in the development process positively influences their assessment of the HIS and increases their active use of the IS. However, more research is needed to determine the long-term effects of using participatory design in HIS development.
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