IOS Press Ebooks - From Atomic Guideline-Based Recommendations to Complete Therapeutic Care Plans: A Knowledge-Based Approach Applied to Breast Cancer Management
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How textual clinical practice guidelines are written may have an impact on how they are formalized and on the kind of recommendations issued by the clinical decision support systems (CDSSs) that implement them. Breast cancer guidelines are mostly centered on the description of the different recommended therapeutic modalities, represented as atomic recommendations, but seldom provide comprehensive plans that drive care delivery. The objective of this work is to implement a knowledge-based approach to develop a care plan builder (CPB) that works on atomic recommendations to build patient-centered care plans as sequences of chronologically ordered therapeutic steps. The CPB uses the atomic recommendations issued by the guideline-based decision support system (GL-DSS) of the DESIREE project. The domain knowledge is represented as the list of all care plans that apply to breast cancer patients. Scenarios are introduced to locate the patient on these theoretical care plans. The CPB has been evaluated on a sample of 99 solved clinical cases leading to an overall performance of 89,8%.
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