IOS Press Ebooks - Research on the Application of Cloud Computing Technology in the Urban-Rural Integration Information Transmission of the Rural Revitalization Strategy in Laibin City
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Research on the Application of Cloud Computing Technology in the Urban-Rural Integration Information Transmission of the Rural Revitalization Strategy in Laibin City
Implementing the strategy of rural revitalization is an inherent requirement for solving the plight of rural development and realizing the integrated development of urban and rural areas. With the help of cloud computing technology and game theory algorithms, the article constructs a resident-developer evolutionary game model, and explores the evolution of cooperation paths in the urban-rural integration information of the rural revitalization strategy. We applied this theory to the rural revitalization of Laibin City, Guangxi Province, and discovered the reasons for the imbalance and insufficient development of the urban and rural areas in the process of urban-rural integration in Laibin City. The article finally provides targeted policies for rural revitalization and urban-rural integration in Laibin City.
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