IOS Press Ebooks - How to Measure Physical Motion and the Impact of Individualized Feedback in the Field of Rehabilitation of Geriatric Trauma Patients
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Background: This preparatory study accelerates an implementation of individualized monitoring and feedback of physical motion using conventional motion trackers in the rehabilitation process of geriatric trauma patients. Regaining mobility is accompanied with improved quality of life in persons of very advanced age recovering from fragility fractures.
Objectives: Quantitative survey of regaining physical mobility provides recommendations for action on how to use motion trackers effectively in a clinical geriatric setting.
Methods: Method mix of quantitative and qualitative interdisciplinary and mutual complementary research approaches (sociology, health research, philosophy/ethics, medical informatics, nursing science, gerontology and physical therapy). While validating motion tracker use in geriatric traumatology preliminary data are used to develop a target group oriented motion feedback. In addition measurement accuracy of a questionnaire about quality of life of multimorbid geriatric patients (FLQM) is tested.
Conclusion: Implementing a new technology in a complex clinical setting needs to be based on a strong theoretical background but will not succeed without careful field testing.
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