IOS Press Ebooks - Dynamic Measuring of Physical Properties for Developing a Sophisticated Preoperative Surgical Simulator: How Much Reaction Force Should a Surgical Simulator Represent to the Surgeon?
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Dynamic Measuring of Physical Properties for Developing a Sophisticated Preoperative Surgical Simulator: How Much Reaction Force Should a Surgical Simulator Represent to the Surgeon?
The acquisition of physical quantities for a living body in surgery is an important and necessary step toward developing a sophisticated preoperative surgical simulator and its validation and navigation. We have developed a multimodal measuring device that minimizes interference with the movements of the surgeon. We conducted nephrectomy surgery using a laboratory animal and successfully acquired physical quantities. From this experiment, we have acquired the following preliminary result. The surgeon feels a gripping force from −3.5 to 4.4N at the handle of the forceps for dissection. We assume that this data is not far from that of a human.
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