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Quantum Information and Computation     ISSN: 1533-7146      published since 2001
Vol.6 No.3 May 2006

On independent permutation separability criteria (pp277-288)
         Lieven Clarisse and Pawel Wocjan
doi: https://doi.org/10.26421/QIC6.3-4

Abstracts: Recently, P.\ Wocjan and M.\ Horodecki [Open Syst.\ Inf.\ Dyn.\ 12, 331 (2005)] gave a characterization of combinatorially independent permutation separability criteria. Combinatorial independence is a necessary condition for permutations to yield truly independent criteria meaning that no criterion is strictly stronger that any other. In this paper we observe that some of these criteria are still dependent and analyze why these dependencies occur. To remove them we introduce an improved necessary condition and give a complete classification of the remaining permutations. We conjecture that the remaining class of criteria only contains truly independent permutation separability criteria. Our conjecture is based on the proof that for two, three and four parties all these criteria are truly independent and on numerical verification of their independence for up to 8 parties. It was commonly believed that for three parties there were 9 independent criteria, here we prove that there are exactly 6 independent criteria for three parties and 22 for four parties.
Key words: entanglement theory, separability problem, permutation criteria