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Quantum Information and Computation     ISSN: 1533-7146      published since 2001
Vol.15 No.13&14  October 2015

The impact of resource on remote quantum correlation Preparation (pp1223-1232)
Chengjun Wu, Bin Luo, and Hong Guo
doi: https://doi.org/10.26421/QIC15.13-14-8

Abstracts: When Alice and Bob share two pairs of quantum correlated states, Alice can remotely prepare quantum entanglement and quantum discord in Bobs side by measuring the parts in her side and telling Bob the measurement results by classical communication. For remote entanglement preparation, entanglement is necessary . We find that for some shared resources having the same amount of entanglement, when Bell measurement is used, the entanglement remotely prepared can be different, and more discord in the resources actually decreases the entanglement prepared. We also find that for some resources with more entanglement, the entanglement remotely prepared may be less. Therefore, we conclude that entanglement is a necessary resource but may not be the only resource responsible for the entanglement remotely prepared, and discord does not likely to assist this process. Also, for the preparation of discord, we find that some states with no entanglement could outperform entangled states.
Key words: quantum entanglement; quantum discord; remote preparation