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Information and Computation
ISSN: 1533-7146
published since 2001
Vol.13 No.9&10 September 2013 |
Pseudo-telepathy games using graph states
Anurag Anshu
and Mehdi Mhalla
We define a family of pseudo-telepathy games using graph
states that extends the Mermin games. This family also contains a game
used to define a quantum probability distribution that cannot be
simulated by any number of nonlocal boxes. We extend this result,
proving that the probability distribution obtained by the Paley graph
state on 13 vertices (each vertex corresponds to a player) cannot be
simulated by any number of 4-partite nonlocal boxes and that the Paley
graph states on k 22 2k−2 vertices provide a probability distribution
that cannot be simulated by k-partite nonlocal boxes, for any k.
Key words:
Nonlocality, Pseudo-telepathy, Paley graph states |