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Quantum Information and Computation     ISSN: 1533-7146      published since 2001
Vol.13 No.5&6  May 2013

Entanglement and output entropy of the diagonal map (pp0379-0392)
Meik Hellmund
doi: https://doi.org/10.26421/QIC13.5-6-2

Abstracts: We review some properties of the convex roof extension, a construction used, e.g., in the definition of the entanglement of formation. Especially we consider the use of symmetries of channels and states for the construction of the convex roof. As an application we study the entanglement entropy of the diagonal map for permutation symmetric real N = 3 states ω(z) and solve the case z < 0 where z is the non-diagonal entry in the density matrix. We also report a surprising result about the behavior of the output entropy of the diagonal map for arbitrary dimensions N; showing a bifurcation at N = 6.
Key words: Convex roof extension, Entanglement, Output entropy, Diagonal map