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Information and Computation
ISSN: 1533-7146
published since 2001
Vol.10 No.1&2
January 2010 |
On the complexity of approximating the diamond norm
Ben-Aroya and Amnon Ta-Shma
The diamond norm is a norm defined over the space of quantum
transformations. This norm has a natural operational interpretation: it
measures how well one can distinguish between two transformations by
applying them to a state of arbitrarily large dimension. This
interpretation makes this norm useful in the study of quantum
interactive proof systems. In this note we exhibit an efficient
algorithm for computing this norm using convex programming.
Independently of us, Watrous [1] recently showed a different algorithm
to compute this norm. An immediate corollary of this algorithm is a
slight simplification of the argument of Kitaev and Watrous [2] that QIP
belongs to EXP.
Key words: diamond norm,
algorithm |