Combining Logic and Natural Language Processing to Support Investment Management @KR2021
KR2021Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and ReasoningProceedings of the 18th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

Online event. November 3-12, 2021.

Edited by

ISSN: 2334-1033
ISBN: 978-1-956792-99-7

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Copyright © 2021 International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization

Combining Logic and Natural Language Processing to Support Investment Management

  1. Marjolein Deryck(KU Leuven, Dept. of Computer Science, De Nayer Campus, Sint-Katelijne-Waver, Belgium, Leuven.AI -- KU Leuven Institute for AI, Leuven, Belgium)
  2. Nuno Comenda(Coppens and Partners Consulting)
  3. Bart Coppens(Coppens and Partners Consulting)
  4. Joost Vennekens(KU Leuven, Dept. of Computer Science, De Nayer Campus, Sint-Katelijne-Waver, Belgium, Leuven.AI -- KU Leuven Institute for AI, Leuven, Belgium)


  1. Case studies for KR systems
  2. Development, deployment, and evaluation of KR systems to solve real-world problems
  3. Applications that combine KR with other areas
  4. Knowledge-driven decision making


This paper presents an application that we developed to assist users with the creation of an investment profile for the selection of financial assets. It consists of a natural language interface, an automatic translation to a declarative FO(.) knowledge base, and the IDP reasoning engine with multiple forms of logical inference. The application speeds up the investment profile creation process, and reduces the considerable inherent operational risk linked to the creation of investment profiles