Algorithms for the Nearest Assignment Problem
Algorithms for the Nearest Assignment Problem
Sara Rouhani, Tahrima Rahman, Vibhav Gogate
Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main track. Pages 5096-5102.
We consider the following nearest assignment problem (NAP): given a Bayesian network B and probability value q, find a configuration w of variables in B such that difference between q and the probability of w is minimized. NAP is much harder than conventional inference problems such as finding the most probable explanation and is NP-hard even on independent Bayesian networks (IBNs), which are networks having no edges. Therefore, in order to solve NAP on IBNs, we show how to encode it as a two-way number partitioning problem. This encoding allows us to use greedy poly-time approximation algorithms from the number partitioning literature to yield an algorithm with guarantees for solving NAP on IBNs. We extend this basic algorithm from independent networks to arbitrary probabilistic graphical models by leveraging cutset conditioning and (Rao-Blackwellised) sampling algorithms. We derive approximation and complexity guarantees for our new algorithms and show experimentally that they are quite accurate in practice.
Uncertainty in AI: Approximate Probabilistic Inference
Uncertainty in AI: Graphical Models
Machine Learning: New Problems
Uncertainty in AI: Bayesian Networks