Extended Lie Algebraic Stability Analysis for Switched...
Open Access

Extended Lie Algebraic Stability Analysis for Switched Systems with Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Subsystems

We analyze stability for switched systems which are composed of both continuous-time and discrete-time subsystems. By considering a Lie algebra generated by all subsystem matrices, we show that if all subsystems are Hurwitz/Schur stable and this Lie algebra is solvable, then there is a common quadratic Lyapunov function for all subsystems and thus the switched system is exponentially stable under arbitrary switching. When not all subsystems are stable and the same Lie algebra is solvable, we show that there is a common quadratic Lyapunov-like function for all subsystems and the switched system is exponentially stable under a dwell time scheme. Two numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the result.

Publication timeframe:
4 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Mathematics, Applied Mathematics