A Comprehensive Framework for Facial Emotion Detection using Deep Learning

Int J Performability Eng ›› 2024, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (8): 487-497.doi: 10.23940/ijpe.24.08.p3.487497

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A Comprehensive Framework for Facial Emotion Detection using Deep Learning

Nilesh Shelkea, Deepali Saleb, Sagar Shindec, *, Atul Katholed, and Rachna Somkunward   

  1. aSymbiosis Institute of Technology, Nagpur, India;
    bDr. D.Y. Patil College of Engineering and Innovation, Talegaon, India;
    cPCET’s - NMVPM’s Nutan College of Engineering and Research, Pune, India;
    dDr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pune, India
  • Submitted on ; Revised on ; Accepted on
  • Contact: *E-mail address: sagarshinde@ncerpune.in

Abstract: Because people's intentions, feelings, and emotions are reflected in their facial expressions, researchers have been drawn to create self-acting autonomous facial expression detection systems. The facial emotion expression system is difficult due to the model's complexity, the small number of training data, and the minute micro facial muscle movements, despite the advancements in deep learning frameworks for automatic facial expression detection. This study suggests a deep learning framework consisting of Fully convolutional network called FCN-Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), to detect behavior, mood, and facial activity using fine-grained facial action unit recognition with an ERS model. Based on these distinct patterns, the framework may be used to infer an individual's emotional state. The FCN helps in extracting the useful features, which then helps to increase the accuracy of the FCN-LSTM model. The LSTM is used to recognize the facial expression and present the state of the individual based on the expression by using the features that are extracted by FCN. This combination is helpful in generating accurate results for facial emotions recognition (FER). The model is trained and tested on Emotions (Emo-DB) dataset. The accuracy is observed as 94.67%, which is higher when compared to existing deep learning models.

Key words: accuracy, CNN, deep learning, facial emotions recognition (FER)