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Volume: 30 | Article ID: art00033
Art changes our way of cognitive and affective processing! But how to ecologically validly measure such processes?
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2018.14.HVEI-533  Published OnlineJanuary 2018

Art experience means the rich experience of artistic objects that are mostly embedded in situational, social, and cultural contexts: for instance when encountering art in art galleries or museums. Art experience lets us reflect on the content, the style, and the artist behind the artwork—moreover, it lets us reflect about the percept, perception, the world, ultimately: about us. Current works in the field of empirical aesthetics unfortunately often ignore context factors that are so important for such deep and far-reaching experiences. Here I intend to refer to the different paths of measuring art experience by a) testing within the ecological valid context of art galleries via field studies, b) by simulating certain contextual and perceptual factors in a lab-oriented study design and c) by testing art-related material in labs without paying attention to such factors. The way we research art experience drastically changes the quality of the output, especially if we ignore certain essential factors which are typically involved when encountering art galleries in real life via path #c—mainly because participants do not show the typical motivation, interest and effort which they would typically face in art galleries. Furthermore, because the depiction quality of artworks, the context and the social situation in which they are inspected is fundamentally different in the lab, the respective impression is also very different. As most research ignores such factors, we might often be misled by the results of such studies; especially when the extraordinary and unique cultural status that makes artworks so different to ordinary objects is ignored.

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Claus-Christian Carbon, "Art changes our way of cognitive and affective processing! But how to ecologically validly measure such processes?in Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Human Vision and Electronic Imaging,  2018,  pp 1 - 5,

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