Computer Science and Information Systems 2011 Volume 8, Issue 2, Pages: 501-516
Full text ( 441 KB)
Animation of tile-based games automatically derived from simulation specifications
Wolter Jan (
Cramer Bastian (University of Paderborn Department of Computer Science Fürstenallee, Paderborn, Germany)
Kastens Uwe (University of Paderborn Department of Computer Science Fürstenallee, Paderborn, Germany)
Visual Languages (VLs) are beneficial particularly for domain specific
applications, since they can support ease of understanding by visual
metaphors. If such a language has an execution semantics, comprehension of
program execution may be supported by direct visualization. This closes the
gap between program depiction and execution. To rapidly develop a VL with
execution semantics a generator framework is needed which incorporates the
complex knowledge of simulating and animating a VL on a high specification
level. In this paper we show how a fully playable tile-based game is
specified with our generator framework DEViL. We illustrate this on the
famous Pacman1 game. We claim that our simulation and animation approach is
suitable for the rapid development process. We show that the simulation of a
VL is easily reached even in complex scenarios and that the automatically
generated animation is mostly adequate, even for other kinds of VLs like
diagrammatic, iconic or graph based ones.
Keywords: visual languages, DEViL, simulation, animation, tile-based games, Pac-man