Model predictive control for robust quantum state preparation
1Department of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195
2Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94550
3Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195
4Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195
Published: | 2022-10-13, volume 6, page 837 |
Eprint: | arXiv:2201.05266v2 |
Doi: | |
Citation: | Quantum 6, 837 (2022). |
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A critical engineering challenge in quantum technology is the accurate control of quantum dynamics. Model-based methods for optimal control have been shown to be highly effective when theory and experiment closely match. Consequently, realizing high-fidelity quantum processes with model-based control requires careful device characterization. In quantum processors based on cold atoms, the Hamiltonian can be well-characterized. For superconducting qubits operating at milli-Kelvin temperatures, the Hamiltonian is not as well-characterized. Unaccounted for physics (i.e., mode discrepancy), coherent disturbances, and increased noise compromise traditional model-based control. This work introduces $\textit{model predictive control}$ (MPC) for quantum control applications. MPC is a closed-loop optimization framework that (i) inherits a natural degree of disturbance rejection by incorporating measurement feedback, (ii) utilizes finite-horizon model-based optimizations to control complex multi-input, multi-output dynamical systems under state and input constraints, and (iii) is flexible enough to develop synergistically alongside other modern control strategies. We show how MPC can be used to generate practical optimized control sequences in representative examples of quantum state preparation. Specifically, we demonstrate for a qubit, a weakly-anharmonic qubit, and a system undergoing crosstalk, that MPC can realize successful model-based control even when the model is inadequate. These examples showcase why MPC is an important addition to the quantum engineering control suite.

Featured image: $\textbf{(a)}$ In the circuit model, a qubit is represented by a line segment, and a box is draw to indicate a quantum process applied to the qubit. Here, we represent a quantum state preparation abstractly by $\textbf{A}$ and posit uncharacterized modifications that make $\textbf{A}$’s model unreliable for open-loop control. $\textbf{(b)}$ Under the hood of the $\textbf{A}$ operation, we design robust control pulses using model predictive control (MPC). In $\textbf{(b) ii-iii.}$, MPC synthesizes a robust control input by incorporating state feedback into a sequence of receding-horizon control laws (in $\textbf{(b) ii.}$, the first three MPC iterations are labeled 1., 2., and 3. and colored with increasing grayscale value). At each MPC iteration, an open-loop control problem is solved over the current prediction horizon T using $\textbf{A}$’s unreliable system model to yield $\mathbf{x}^\textrm{opt}(t)$ and $\mathbf{u}^\textrm{opt}(t)$. The first entry of the open-loop solution $\mathbf{u}^\textrm{opt}(t)$ is applied as $\mathbf{u}(t)$ in $\textbf{(b) iii.}$. The resulting state $\mathbf{x}(t + 1)$ is recorded, and the next MPC iteration begins from this recorded state.
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