The clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias
is very challenging, especially in the early stages. Our hypothesis
is that any disease that affects particular brain regions involved
in speech production and processing will also leave detectable finger
prints in the speech. Computerized analysis of speech signals and computational
linguistics have progressed to the point where an automatic speech
analysis system is a promising approach for a low-cost non-invasive
diagnostic tool for early detection of Alzheimer’s disease.
We present empirical evidence that strong discrimination between
subjects with a diagnosis of probable Alzheimer’s versus matched
normal controls can be achieved with a combination of acoustic features
from speech, linguistic features extracted from an automatically determined
transcription of the speech including punctuation, and results of a
mini mental state exam (MMSE). We also show that discrimination is
nearly as strong even if the MMSE is not used, which implies that a
fully automated system is feasible. Since commercial automatic speech
recognition (ASR) tools were unable to provide transcripts for about
half of our speech samples, a customized ASR system was developed.