ISCA Archive - An improved speaker diarization system
ISCA Archive Interspeech 2007
ISCA Archive Interspeech 2007

An improved speaker diarization system

Rong Fu, Ian D. Benest

This paper describes an automatic speaker diarization system for natural, multi-speaker meeting conversations. Only one central microphone is used to record the meeting. The new system is robust to different acoustic environments - it requires neither pre-training models nor development sets to initialize the parameters. The new system determines the model complexity automatically. It adapts the segment model from a universal background model, and uses the cross-likelihood ratio instead of the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) for merging. Finally it uses an intra-cluster/inter-cluster ratio as the stopping criterion. Together this reduces the speaker diarization error rate from 21.76% to 17.21% compared with the baseline system [1].