The article describes a database of emotional speech. Ten actors (5 female and 5 male) simulated the emotions, producing 10 German utterances (5 short and 5 longer sentences) which could be used in everyday communication and are interpretable in all applied emotions.
The recordings were taken in an anechoic chamber with high-quality recording equipment. In addition to the sound electro-glottograms were recorded. The speech material comprises about 800 sentences (seven emotions * ten actors * ten sentences + some second versions).
The complete database was evaluated in a perception test regarding the recognisability of emotions and their naturalness. Utterances recognised better than 80% and judged as natural by more than 60% of the listeners were phonetically labelled in a narrow transcription with special markers for voice-quality, phonatory and articulatory settings and articulatory features.
The database can be accessed by the public via the internet (