Effect of Paddy Rice vegetation on received signal strength between CC2538 SoC based sensor nodes operating at 2.4 GHz Radio Frequency (RF) | IEEE DataPort

Effect of Paddy Rice vegetation on received signal strength between CC2538 SoC based sensor nodes operating at 2.4 GHz Radio Frequency (RF)

Citation Author(s):
Agro Glean
Crop Research and Development, AGS, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India
Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India
Priya Sharma
Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India
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Fri, 06/21/2024 - 14:00
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Here we introduce so-far the largest subject-rated database of its kind, namely, "Effect of Paddy Rice vegetation on received signal strength between CC2538 SoC 32-bit Arm Cortex-M3 based sensor nodes operating at 2.4 GHz Radio Frequency (RF)". This database contains received signal strength measurements collected through campaigns in the IEEE 802.15.4 standard precision agricultural monitoring infrastructure developed for Paddy Rice crop monitoring from the period 01/07/2020 to 03/11/2020.

Note: The conducted measurement campaigns are part of a research whose results are presented in manuscript "NSGA-III Based Heterogeneous Transmission Range selection for Node Deployment in IEEE 802.15.4 Infrastructure for Sugarcane and Rice Crop Monitoring" and are currently under peer review in " IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications" (Paper-TW-Feb-21-027).



Here we introduce so-far the largest subject-rated database of its kind, namely, "Effect of Paddy Rice vegetation on path-loss between CC2538 SoC 32-bit Arm Cortex-M3 based sensor nodes operating at 2.4 GHz Radio Frequency (RF)". This Database contains the received signal strength  measurements collected through campaigns in the IEEE 802.15.4 standard precision agricultural monitoring infrastructure developed for Paddy Rice crop monitoring from period 01/07/2020 to 03/11/2020. Observations at different node height and vegetation depths in a crop cycle (125 days) with a sampling time of 30 minutes was made in the following two scenarios:

Scenario-1 (Database-1): Nodes of Height=52 cm are deployed and RSS measurement was collected.

Scenario-2 (Database-2): Cluster of nodes with varying height={13,26,39,52,65} are deployed and RSS measurement were collected..



Crop: Rice (JRB-1)



                        Node height: 52

                        Plantation row spacing: 35 cm



                        Node height: 13,26,39,52,65

                        Plantation row spacing: 46 cm

Target farm (geophysical location):

Maharajpura Farmland, Gwalior, Madhya-Pradesh, India, 474005 (lat- 26.311296°, lon-78.220451°)

Sampling/ monitoring duration:

            Monitoring period: 01 July 2020 -03 November 2020

            Season: Kharif

            Sampling rate: 30 minutes

Network parameter:

Hardware resources:

                        Base station:

                                    Single board computer: Dual-Core ARMCortex-A15 (AM5729)

                                    Gateway: CC2530 packet sniffer (2 unit)

                                    Active channel: 2

                                    Internet connectivity: 4G

                        Sensor node:

                                    MCU: CC2538

                                    Receiver sensitivity: -75 dBm

                                    Antenna type/gain:

                                    Transmit power: programable(0-7 dBm)

                                    Power-mode: 2

                                    Power source: BL-5c 1020mAh 3.7V 3.8Wh li-ion battery

Software resources:

            Operating system: Contiki-ng

            Communication protocol stack: μiPv6

            Transport/Network layer: ipv6

            Data link/physical layer: IEEE 802.15.4-2006

            Topology: mesh

            Duty-cycling: contikiMAC

File format: .CSV

Label/data type/ range:

Raw Data is submitted. Data preprocessing will be required to filter out the effect of battery voltage fluctuation at many instances of the monitoring period.


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