Journal of Open Source Software: AMLTK: A Modular AutoML Toolkit in Python

AMLTK: A Modular AutoML Toolkit in Python

Just Python Submitted 07 December 2023Published 14 August 2024

Editor: @JBorrow (all papers)
Reviewers: @gomezzz (all reviews), @woznicak (all reviews), @hirzel (all reviews)


Edward Bergman (0009-0003-4390-7614), Matthias Feurer (0000-0001-9611-8588), Aron Bahram (0009-0002-8896-2863), Amir Rezaei Balef (0000-0002-6882-0051), Lennart Purucker (0009-0001-1181-0549), Sarah Segel (0009-0005-2966-266X), Marius Lindauer (0000-0002-9675-3175), Frank Hutter (0000-0002-2037-3694), Katharina Eggensperger (0000-0002-0309-401X)


Bergman et al., (2024). AMLTK: A Modular AutoML Toolkit in Python. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(100), 6367,

@article{Bergman2024, doi = {10.21105/joss.06367}, url = {}, year = {2024}, publisher = {The Open Journal}, volume = {9}, number = {100}, pages = {6367}, author = {Edward Bergman and Matthias Feurer and Aron Bahram and Amir Rezaei Balef and Lennart Purucker and Sarah Segel and Marius Lindauer and Frank Hutter and Katharina Eggensperger}, title = {AMLTK: A Modular AutoML Toolkit in Python}, journal = {Journal of Open Source Software} }
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Machine Learning AutoML Hyperparameter Optimization Modular Data Science

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