JRM Vol.12 p.144 (2000) | Fuji Technology Press: academic journal publisher


JRM Vol.12 No.2 pp. 144-149
doi: 10.20965/jrm.2000.p0144


Adaptive Logic Circuits Based on Net-list Evolution

Tomokazu Shindo, Hiroshi Yokoi and Yukinori Kakazu

Laboratory of Autonomous System Engineering, Hokkaido University, North-13, West-8, Kita-Ku, Sapporo, 060-8628, Japan

October 4, 1999
November 22, 1999
April 20, 2000
evolvable hardware (EHW), circuit design, evolutional computation, artificial life
We discuss adaptive hardware evolution, evolvable hardware, describing system functions as logic circuits rather than programs. Evolution occurs in circuit formation and then functions are generated from the formation. In general approaches, possibility of formation is restricted by device structure, so we propose net-list evolution and apply it a wall following problem with a Khepera robot, confirming solution of the interface problem between the robot and environment using the proposed method.
Cite this article as:
T. Shindo, H. Yokoi, and Y. Kakazu, “Adaptive Logic Circuits Based on Net-list Evolution,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.12 No.2, pp. 144-149, 2000.
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