IJAT Vol.2 p.425 (2008) | Fuji Technology Press: academic journal publisher


IJAT Vol.2 No.6 pp. 425-430
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2008.p0425


Tool Life of Small Diameter Ball End Mill for High Speed Milling of Hardened Steel - Effects of the Machining Method and the Tool Materials -

Hiroyasu Iwabe and Kazufumi Enta

Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University
8050, Ikarashi 2-nocho, Nishi-ku, Niigata 950-2181, Japan

June 17, 2008
July 18, 2008
November 5, 2008
ball end mill, high speed milling, hardened steel, tool life, flank wear
We studied tool life, flank wear, and machined surface roughness in the high-speed milling of hardened steel on a small ball end mill using a high-speed milling machine. We found that: (1) Cutting edge flank wear increases in proportion to cutting length and the flank wear shape gradually has a resembalance to the shape of the actual cutting length. (2) Long tool life depends on stepdown pick-feed and down-milling conditions. (3) Surface roughness increases in proportion to cutting length, but a low surface roughness of 1.4 μm is obtainable for a 3,800 m cutting length in down-milling. (4) CBN tool flank wear is very low -- at least 1/15 th that of carbide tools under down-milling conditions, and a surface roughness of 1.6 μm is obtainable for a 67.2 km cutting length. We verified the effectiveness of CBN tools in high-speed milling of hardened steel under cutting conditions.
Cite this article as:
H. Iwabe and K. Enta, “Tool Life of Small Diameter Ball End Mill for High Speed Milling of Hardened Steel - Effects of the Machining Method and the Tool Materials -,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.2 No.6, pp. 425-430, 2008.
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