Transparency and Trustworthiness in User Intentions to Follow Career Recommendations from a Learning Analytics Tool
artificial intelligence, AI, learning analytics, career guidance, transparency, trustworthiness, research paperAbstract
Transparency and trustworthiness are among the key requirements for the ethical use of learning analytics (LA) and artificial intelligence (AI) in the context of social inclusion and equity. However, research on these issues pertaining to users is lacking, leaving it unclear as to how transparent and trustworthy current LA tools are for their users and how perceptions of these variables relate to user behaviour. In this study, we investigate user experiences of an LA tool in the context of career guidance, which plays a crucial role in supporting nonlinear career pathways for individuals. We review the ethical challenges of big data, AI, and LA in connection to career guidance and analyze the user experiences (N = 106) of the LA career guidance tool, which recommends study programs and institutions to users. Results indicate that the LA career guidance tool was evaluated as trustworthy but not transparent. Accuracy was found to be a stronger predictor for the intention to follow on the recommendations of the LA guidance tool than was understanding the origins of the recommendation. The user’s age emerged as an important factor in their assessment of transparency. We discuss the implications of these findings and suggest emphasizing accuracy in the development of LA tools for career guidance.
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