There is continual pressure to re-examine the MBA curriculum and, in particular, to reduce the core compulsory part. One of the courses taken out may be information systems. By quoting from the emails of 48 respondents from 11 countries of over 100 respondents in total to an ISWorld listserv request, we look at situations in many institutions and the varied opinions of colleagues. We learn about some success and failure stories, of colleagues who argue that IS should not be in the core curriculum (as well as the more common contrary view), and of attitudes of colleagues in other groups. Finally, we use these responses to develop a case for including IS in the MBA core. This article should be of use by colleagues who need to defend IS at their institutions.
Recommended Citation
Avison, D. (2003). Information Systems in the MBA Curriculum: An International Perspective. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 11, pp-pp. https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.01106
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