Construction of Shift Distinct Sequence Sets with Zero or Low Correlation Zone
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences
Online ISSN : 1745-1337
Print ISSN : 0916-8508
Regular Section
Construction of Shift Distinct Sequence Sets with Zero or Low Correlation Zone
Xiaoyu CHENChengqian XUYubo LIKai LIU
Author information

2013 Volume E96.A Issue 1 Pages 377-382

A construction of shift sequence sets is proposed. Multiple distinct shift sequence sets are obtained by changing the parameters of the shift sequences. The shift sequences satisfy the conditions that P|L and P ≥ 2, where P is the length of the shift sequences, L is the length of the zero-correlation zone or low-correlation zone (ZCZ/LCZ). Then based on these shift sequence sets, many shift distinct ZCZ/LCZ sequence sets are constructed by using interleaving technique and complex Hadamard matrices. Furthermore, the new construction is optimal under the conditions proposed in this paper. Compared with previous constructions, the proposed construction extends the number of shift distinct ZCZ/LCZ sequence sets, so that more sequence sets are obtained for multi-cell quasi-synchronous code-division multiple access (QS-CDMA) systems.
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© 2013 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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