Chromatic Art Gallery Problem with <i>r</i>-Visibility is NP-Complete
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences
Online ISSN : 1745-1337
Print ISSN : 0916-8508
Special Section on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications
Chromatic Art Gallery Problem with r-Visibility is NP-Complete
Author information

2021 Volume E104.A Issue 9 Pages 1108-1115


The art gallery problem is to find a set of guards who together can observe every point of the interior of a polygon P. We study a chromatic variant of the problem, where each guard is assigned one of k distinct colors. The chromatic art gallery problem is to find a guard set for P such that no two guards with the same color have overlapping visibility regions. We study the decision version of this problem for orthogonal polygons with r-visibility when the number of colors is k=2. Here, two points are r-visible if the smallest axis-aligned rectangle containing them lies entirely within the polygon. In this paper, it is shown that determining whether there is an r-visibility guard set for an orthogonal polygon with holes such that no two guards with the same color have overlapping visibility regions is NP-hard when the number of colors is k=2.

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© 2021 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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