A Sharply Bent Waveguide with a Microcavity Constructed by an Air-Bridge Type Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Slab
IEICE Transactions on Electronics
Online ISSN : 1745-1353
Print ISSN : 0916-8524
Special Section on Recent Progress in Electromagnetic Theory and Its Application
A Sharply Bent Waveguide with a Microcavity Constructed by an Air-Bridge Type Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Slab
Yoshihiro NAKAMasahiko NISHIMOTO
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2016 Volume E99.C Issue 1 Pages 81-84

An efficient sharply bent waveguide with a microcavity constructed by an air-bridge type two-dimensional photonic crystal slab is analyzed. The method of solution is the three-dimensional finite difference time domain (FD-TD) method. The bent waveguide has a microcavity structure that connects to an input and an output waveguide ports. The radius and position of air-holes surrounding the microcavity are modified to adjust the resonant frequency to the single-mode regime of the waveguides. It is confirmed that input optical power is transmitted efficiently to the output waveguide due to resonant tunneling caused by the microcavity.
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© 2016 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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