Transmission Characteristics and Shielding Effectiveness of Shielded-Flexible Printed Circuits for Differential-Signaling
IEICE Transactions on Electronics
Online ISSN : 1745-1353
Print ISSN : 0916-8524
Special Section on Recent Advances in Simulation Techniques and Their Applications for Electronics
Transmission Characteristics and Shielding Effectiveness of Shielded-Flexible Printed Circuits for Differential-Signaling
Yoshiki KAYANOHiroshi INOUE
Author information

2016 Volume E99.C Issue 7 Pages 766-773

To provide basic considerations for the realization of method for suppressing the EMI from differential-paired lines on flexible printed circuits (FPC), the characteristics of the SI performance and shielding effectiveness (SE) of shielded-flexible printed circuits for differential-signaling are investigated in this paper experimentally and by a numerical modeling. Firstly, transmission characteristics of TDR measurement and frequency response of |Sdd21| are discussed, from view point of signal integrity. Secondly, as the characteristics of the SE performance for EMI, frequency responses of magnetic field are investigated. Although placement of conductive shield near the paired-lines decreases characteristics impedance, |Sdd21| for the “with Cu 5.5 µm-thickness copper shield” is not deteriorated compared with “without shield” and sufficient SE performance for magnetic field can be established. But, thin-shield deteriorates SI as well as SE performances. The frequency response of |Sdd21| at higher frequencies for the “Ag 0.1 µm” case has the steep loss roll off. A reflection loss resulted from impedance-mismatching is not dominant factor of the losses. The dominant factor may be magnetic field leakage due to very thin-conductive shield.
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© 2016 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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