2016 Volume E99.C Issue 10 Pages 1094-1099
This paper presents an innovative fabrication process for a planar circuits at millimeter-wave frequency. Screen printing technology provides low cost and high performance coplanar waveguides (CPW) lines in planar devices operated at millimeter-wave frequency up to 110GHz. Printed transmission lines provide low insertion losses of 0.30dB/mm at 110GHz and small return loss like as impedance standard lines. In the paper, Multiline Thru-Reflect-Line (TRL) calibration was also demonstrated by using the impedance standard substrates (ISS) fabricated by screen printing. Regarding calibration capability validation, verification devices were measured and compare the results to the result obtained by the TRL calibration using commercial ISS. The comparison results obtained by calibration of screen printing ISS are almost the same as results measured based on conventional ISS technology.