Fundamental Characteristics of Arc Extinction at DC Low Current Interruption with High Voltage (<500V)
IEICE Transactions on Electronics
Online ISSN : 1745-1353
Print ISSN : 0916-8524
Special Section on Recent Development of Electro-Mechanical Devices
Fundamental Characteristics of Arc Extinction at DC Low Current Interruption with High Voltage (<500V)
Koichiro SAWAMasatoshi TSURUOKAMakito MORII
Author information

2016 Volume E99.C Issue 9 Pages 1016-1022


Various DC power supply systems such as photovoltaic power generation, fuel cell and others have been gradually spreading, so that DC power distribution systems are expected as one of energy-saving technologies at houses and business-related buildings as well as data centers and factories. Under such circumstances switches for electric appliances are requested to interrupt DC current safely in DC power systems (DC 300-400V). It is well-known that DC current is much more difficult to be interrupted than AC current with current-zero. In this paper a model switch is developed and fundamental characteristics of DC current interruption in a resistive circuit is experimentally and theoretically examined. Consequently arc duration is found to be approximately a function of interrupted power rather than source voltage and circuit current. In addition arc length at its extinction is obtained by the observation of a high-speed camera. Then the arc length is found to be decided only by interrupted power like the gap length, independent of separation velocity. From these results it can be made clear that the arc form becomes arc-shaped at its extinction when the interrupted power is larger than about 500W. In addition the effect of magnetic blow-out on arc extinction is examined.

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© 2016 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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