Beyond 110 GHz InP-HEMT Based Mixer Module Using Flip-Chip Assembly for Precise Spectrum Analysis
IEICE Transactions on Electronics
Online ISSN : 1745-1353
Print ISSN : 0916-8524
Special Section on Terahertz Waves Coming to the Real World
Beyond 110 GHz InP-HEMT Based Mixer Module Using Flip-Chip Assembly for Precise Spectrum Analysis
Shoichi SHIBAMasaru SATOHiroshi MATSUMURAYoichi KAWANOTsuyoshi TAKAHASHIToshihide SUZUKIYasuhiro NAKASHATaisuke IWAINaoki HARA
Author information

2015 Volume E98.C Issue 12 Pages 1112-1119


A wide-bandwidth fundamental mixer operating at a frequency above 110GHz for precise spectrum analysis was developed using the InP HEMT technology. A single-ended resistive mixer was adopted for the mixer circuit. An IF amplifier and LO buffer amplifier were also developed and integrated into the mixer chip. As for packaging into a metal block module, a flip-chip bonding technique was introduced. Compared to face-up mounting with wire connections, flip-chip bonding exhibited good frequency flatness in signal loss. The mixer module with a built-in IF amplifier achieved a conversion gain of 5dB at an RF frequency of 135GHz and a 3-dB bandwidth of 35GHz. The mixer module with an LO buffer amplifier operated well even at an LO power of -20dBm.

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© 2015 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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