Single-Channel 1.28Tbit/s-525km DQPSK Transmission Using Ultrafast Time-Domain Optical Fourier Transformation and Nonlinear Optical Loop Mirror
IEICE Transactions on Communications
Online ISSN : 1745-1345
Print ISSN : 0916-8516
Special Section on Extremely Advanced Optical Transmission Technologies and Transmission Optical Fiber Technologies towards Exabit Era
Single-Channel 1.28Tbit/s-525km DQPSK Transmission Using Ultrafast Time-Domain Optical Fourier Transformation and Nonlinear Optical Loop Mirror
Pengyu GUANHans Christian Hansen MULVADYutaro TOMIYAMAToshiyuki HIRANOToshihiko HIROOKAMasataka NAKAZAWA
Author information

2011 Volume E94.B Issue 2 Pages 430-436

We demonstrate a single-channel 1.28Tbit/s-525km transmission using OTDM of subpicosecond DQPSK signals. In order to cope with transmission impairments due to time-varying higher-order PMD, which is one of the major limiting factors in such a long-haul ultrahigh-speed transmission, we newly developed an ultrafast time-domain optical Fourier transformation technique in a round-trip configuration. By applying this technique to subpicosecond pulses, transmission impairments were greatly reduced, and BER performance below FEC limit was obtained with increased system margin.
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© 2011 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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