Autonomous Decentralized Community Wireless Sensor Network Architecture to Achieve Timely Connection for Online Expansion
IEICE Transactions on Communications
Online ISSN : 1745-1345
Print ISSN : 0916-8516
IEICE/IEEE Joint Special Section on Autonomous Decentralized Systems Technologies and Their Application to Networked Systems
Autonomous Decentralized Community Wireless Sensor Network Architecture to Achieve Timely Connection for Online Expansion
Md. Emdadul HAQUEShoichi MURAKAMIXiaodong LUKinji MORI
Author information

2011 Volume E94.B Issue 1 Pages 2-9

Wireless sensor networks represent a new data collection paradigm in which expandability plays an important role. In a practical monitoring environment, for example, food factory monitoring system, sensor relocations and reorganizations are necessary with reorganization of production lines and starting of new production lines. These relocations sometime make congestion in some area of the network. In this dynamic changing environment online expansion is a challenging problem for resource constraint network. This paper proposes a two-tier autonomous decentralized community architecture for wireless sensor network to solve the problem. The first layer consists of sensors and second layer consists of routers. In the architecture routers make community (a group of nodes mutually cooperate for a common goal is a community). The goal of this paper is to introduce the concept of sharing information among routers of the community to decrease sensor connection time for the network especially for the dynamic changing environment. Results show that our proposed technologies can reduce sensor connection time to achieve online expansion.
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© 2011 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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