Single-loop control method FCS-MPC for PMSG
IEICE Electronics Express
Online ISSN : 1349-2543
ISSN-L : 1349-2543
Single-loop control method FCS-MPC for PMSG
Yuhan CaiShaomin YanYue CuiXiaojie Gao
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2023 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages 20220500


Traditional double-loop PI control strategy (DLPI) is adopted in PMSG system, which has slow response speed and complex parameter design. In this paper, an improved single-loop model predictive control strategy (SLMPC) is proposed for PMSG system, which improves system response speed, and reduces parameter design difficulty. Two improvements are as follows. First, a single-loop control structure is established based on the deduced second-order speed model, which simplifies cascaded double-loop control structure and improves system transient performance. Second, an integral and differential discretization method is adopted to simplify design difficulty for FCS-MPC without measuring dTm/dt and tracking d2ωr/dt2. Finally, simulation and experiment are carried out to verify the proposed strategy.

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