A novel pulsed Doppler radar seeker modeling method used for closed loop trajectory simulation
IEICE Electronics Express
Online ISSN : 1349-2543
ISSN-L : 1349-2543
A novel pulsed Doppler radar seeker modeling method used for closed loop trajectory simulation
Liandong WangHuanyao DaiHui Yang
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2014 Volume 11 Issue 22 Pages 20140844

This paper is dedicated to the coherent video modeling of pulsed Doppler radar seeker (PDRS) for the six degree of freedom (6-DOF) closed loop trajectory simulation, which provides an efficient tool to the design and evaluation of surface-to-air missile (SAM). The topics covered are waveforms consideration, radar antenna modeling, target scattering characteristics, receiver processing, signal processor design and filter mechanism in data processing. The augmented proportional navigation law is used to generate the acceleration demands, while the bank-to-turn control command to obtain the fin-angle demand and the 6-DOF missile motion solution can then be accomplished by using SAM’s aerodynamic characteristics. A typical air defense warfare scenario is designed to validate coherent video modeling as well as the 6-DOF closed loop trajectory simulation. The electronic countermeasures are also taken into account. Results show that VGPO has no direct effect on the angle tracking loop, just through guidance filter to affects the angular speed estimation astringency. It achieves only 2 towing cycle within a relatively short time of terminal guidance. The conclusion was consistent with the anechoic chamber measurements results, which proved that PDRS coherent video model is accurate for 6-DOF trajectory simulation. The paper provided an effective and practical solution for parameters designing and performance evaluation of tactical cruise missile.
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© 2014 by The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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