Joint Realtime Adaptation of Channel Assignment and Cell Coverage in Femto Cell Systems
IEICE Transactions on Communications
Online ISSN : 1745-1345
Print ISSN : 0916-8516
Regular Section
Joint Realtime Adaptation of Channel Assignment and Cell Coverage in Femto Cell Systems
Chung Ha KOHKang Jin YOONKyungmin PARKYoung Yong KIM
Author information

2010 Volume E93.B Issue 1 Pages 203-206

Femto cell systems have been the one of the key technologies for ubiquitous networks, and some of them are already serviced by manufacturers. Femto base stations are deployed randomly and without pre-planning, so the femto system has a wider variation in topology than cellular networks. Therefore, a specialized resource assignment algorithm is essential for efficient performance of the femto cell. In this paper, we propose a realtime channel assignment algorithm for adapting to the varying environments, including new cell deployment or power switch off. Our algorithm is a form of a sequential graph coloring problem which outperforms other fixed allocation algorithms. Simulation results show realtime assignment has better performance than the fixed allocation when the wireless environment changes faster than the tracking operation time.
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© 2010 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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