Ángel Carrasco-Campos e-mail(Login required) , Enric Saperas e-mail(Login required)

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Ángel Carrasco-Campos e-mail(Login required)
Enric Saperas e-mail(Login required)



This paper describes the research published during the period 2011-2020 by five leading Spanish peer-reviewed journals of communication, aiming to identify the most common theoretical frameworks and standard theories. A statistically representative sample of the articles published during that period was systematically selected from the five journals of communication ranked as having the greatest continuity and impact according to SJR-Scopus: Profesional de la Información, Comunicar, Communication & Society, Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico and Revista Latina de Comunicación Social. A coding protocol that includes 13 variables and 74 categories was defined and applied to compare the type of theoretical frameworks and the theories in the different subject areas observed. The results show that although almost all the papers studied have a theoretical framework, fewer than half are grounded on recognizable theories. Specifically, journalism and digital communication are the two subject areas whose articles frequently include standard theories: in journalism by the support of classical theories of communication (framing, agenda setting, journalistic professional cultures and roles), and in digital communication by the support of more theoretically dispersed frameworks. Theoretical frameworks developed by literature review are common in other subject areas (such as audiovisual studies, public relations and documentation).


Theoretical framework, theories of communication, objects of study, subject areas, meta-research, peer-reviewed journals


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