"Applying the ACPO Principles in Public Cloud Forensic Investigations" by Harjinder S. Lallie and Lee Pimlott

Prior Publisher

The Association of Digital Forensics, Security and Law (ADFSL)


The numerous advantages offered by cloud computing has fuelled its growth and has made it one of the most significant of current computing trends. The same advantages have created complex issues for those conducting digital forensic investigations. Digital forensic investigators rely on the ACPO (Association of Chief Police Officers) or similar guidelines when conducting an investigation, however the guidelines make no reference to some of the issues presented by cloud investigations. This study investigates the impact of cloud computing on ACPO’s core principles and asks whether these principles can still be applied in a cloud investigation and the challenges presented thereof. We conclude that the ACPO principles can generally be upheld but that additional precautions must be taken throughout the investigation.


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