The Keller–Segel–Navier–Stokes system governs chemotaxis in liquid environments. This system is to be solved for the organism and chemoattractant densities and for the fluid velocity and pressure. It is known that if the total initial organism density mass is below 2π there exist globally defined generalised solutions, but what is less understood is whether there are blow-up solutions beyond such a threshold and its optimality.
Motivated by this issue, a numerical blow-up scenario is investigated. Approximate solutions computed via a stabilised finite element method founded on a shock capturing technique are such that they satisfy a priori bounds as well as lower and L1(Ω) bounds for the organism and chemoattractant densities. In particular, these latter properties are essential in detecting numerical blow-up configurations, since the non-satisfaction of these two requirements might trigger numerical oscillations leading to non-realistic finite-time collapses into persistent Dirac-type measures.
Our findings show that the existence threshold value 2π encountered for the organism density mass may not be optimal and hence it is conjectured that the critical threshold value 4π may be inherited from the fluid-free Keller–Segel equations. Additionally it is observed that the formation of singular points can be neglected if the fluid flow is intensified.
Funding statement: JVGS was partially supported by the Spanish Grant No. PGC2018-098308-B-I00 from Ministerio de Ciencias e Innovación — Agencia Estatal de Investigación with the participation of FEDER and by the Andalusian Grant No. P20_01120 from Junta de Andalucía (Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad).
JVGS would like to thank Dr. Juan Carlos Dana and Dr. Víctor Álvarez from University of Seville for their valuable discussions on existence and uniqueness of approximate solutions.
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A Existence and uniqueness of numerical solutions
For the sake of completeness we sketch the proof of the existence and uniqueness of numerical solutions defined by the nonlinear system (2.5)–(2.8). In order to simplify the argument it is assumed that
From now on we will make use of the notation introduced throughout this paper and the inverse inequalities (2.1) without being previously mentioned.
A.1 Existence
Let us consider the continuous mapping P : Nh × Ch → Nh × Ch defined as follows. Given
Take n̄h = nh and c̄h = ch to get
We want to prove that there exists L > 0 such that (P(nh, ch), (nh, ch)) > 0 holds for all (nh, ch) ∈ Nh × Ch satisfying
The mean value theorem implies that
and hence
Now let Tij ∈ 𝓣h be such that ai, aj ∈ Tij and denote hij = |ai – aj|. Then
where Eij ∈ 𝓔h such that ai, aj ∈ Eij. Cauchy–Schwarz’ inequality and an inverse inequality [19, Lem. 2.1] give
Additionally, on noting that
Compiling the above bounds, we find
where we used the bounds ∥nh∥L2(Ω) ⩽ ∥nh∥h ⩽ C ∥nh∥L2(Ω) from [8, Prop. 2.3].
For P2, we have
Letting k be small enough such that
we find
Thus, selecting
A.2 Uniqueness
It is assumed that there exist two different pair solutions (nh, ch) and (ñh, ñh). For concreteness we will only focus on the two more troublesome terms:
We first compare the convective terms:
From the definition of
for ϑ, ϑ̃ ∈ (0, 1). The term T1 is bounded as
where in the second inequality we used Young’s inequality aϑ̃ b1–ϑ̃ ⩽ ϑ̃ a + (1 – ϑ̃) b. Thus
and hence
Next we handle the chemotaxis terms. In doing so, we use the property
For the stabilising terms we need to face the difference of the coefficients
We now proceed in this way. Define
Following the proof of [2, Thm. 6.1] and noting that
Then we have
Summing the above two inequalities and choosing k to be small enough yields uniqueness.
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