In 2014, the worldwide context is that the population is increasingly both expanding and aging in industrial countries. In contrast, the personal health levels of individuals could decrease. Although retirement homes and health-care centers assume most of the demand, they will most probably overflow in the next few years. One of the current solutions is e-Health, which involves biomedical monitoring but also home automation functions to compensate for disabilities that tend to increase with age. In this context, several domains have to be merged while respecting the entire ecosystem: the users, their needs and environment, but also all the various actors/experts involved in this process. The issue, however, is that enormous effort is required to combine the multiple expert domains because these can be antinomic. Hence, this paper proposes a collaborative workflow that brings together these different actors and generates the control/command application. Applying model-driven engineering, this workflow makes a clear distinction between people’s health requirements, the home automation functions, and the user interface points of view. Thus, it allows experts in each field to adapt their system in terms of the user’s needs, disability, and health state.
1 Introduction
The world’s population is increasing and so is, in particular, the population of elderly people. In France, it is estimated that people who are over 60, commonly called “seniors,” will constitute 33% of the population in 2060, or nearly 24 million individuals. In addition, there were 8.3 million persons suffering from a serious, long-term health condition in 2009. This represents 59% of the total costs borne by the national Social Security system [5]. Moreover, the number of health centers is insufficient, and the doctors’ distribution per capita is too low due to a numerus clausus policy. This is why doctors are sometimes unavailable in many areas. Thus, families, nurses, occupational nurses, doctors, and health centers have the responsibility of caring for the health of seniors, but they cannot be available all the time. Nevertheless, it is critical to protect seniors from health injuries, falls, or harmful actions. In this context, e-Health will probably become the standard in the foreseeable future, and it is essential to deploy systems that meet the requirements of monitoring users and sending alerts.
Currently, any e-Health system needs to address five key issues. First, there are many individuals who are involved in the personal care domain: family members or a tutor, doctors, maybe occupational therapists, nursing staff, system installers, etc. Hence, (i) these individuals all have a different responsibility in the process. For example, installers have the responsibility of deploying and setting up the e-Health system. The issue, however, is that often the installers are not health experts, and they know little of disabilities, pathologies, and related constraints. It is usually the family members and/or the health personnel who provide the necessary care on a day-to-day basis and define the way the system works. The health personnel, on the other hand, cannot pretend to set up an entire e-Health system.
Second, all the individuals involved are also confronted with the difficulty of programming or contributing to the assistance system, which can seriously hinder the system’s effectiveness. Thus, (ii) the system must be easily definable with respect to the contributors, and (iii) the workflow itself must be reconfigurable depending on the situation: e-Health with hospital monitoring, e-Health with light monitoring, ambient assisted living (AAL), etc.
Moreover, a health-care application for seniors is usually set up once and for all. However, any pathology can evolve over time, and people themselves can change, which may necessitate the reconfiguration of the application. This can also affect the user interface (UI), because the displayed functionalities can change dynamically. Consequently, (iv) the system must adapt to people’s needs. Similarly, the industrial provider may want to enhance the system interface and/or functionalities. Accordingly, (v) the system must be upgradeable.
The work presented in this paper deals with the five issues previously delineated by contributing to the e-Health system on different levels. First, we propose a collaborative multiexpert approach designed to bring together several parameters concerning health care. All these experts interact in their domain through a questionnaire form in which all the personalized assistance parameters are collected. A key concept is that the multiexpert meta-models are independent from the technical industrial solution, which guarantees some interoperability features. Second, a workflow is proposed to generate an entire dedicated home assistance control/command application by using a dynamic UI structure with a skin engine. Finally, we have implemented an industrial prototype for the Assistant Server for Intelligent Medicalization (ASIM) project, which demonstrates the overall approach.
In this paper, Section 2 presents a state-of-the-art review of e-Health research projects. Section 3 deals with the ASIM project, its partners and its scenario requirements, the multiexpert design workflow, the global system architecture, and the SMM box server. Section 4 describes the generation process, including the resolution approach, the application server, and the application questionnaire form. The main meta-model designs are delineated in Section 5. In Section 6, we present the final human-computer interaction (HCI) produced, with its technical implementation. Before the conclusion, Section 7 details the current results of the work carried out and perspectives for the future.
2 State of the Art
Current research studies largely explore e-Health issues, including home automation and AAL domains; however, it is crucial that the new studies focusing on e-Health integrate the experts’ collaboration in order to handle real contexts. Currently, most studies focus on a technical approach without including the experts’ collaboration, although it is necessary in real contexts. E-Health monitoring at home [16] uses sensors to collect health data and forward them. This requires the definition of adapted models to exploit the process fully.
An AAL survey [21] summarizes the state-of-the-art situation regarding current AAL technologies, tools, and techniques. It appears, however, that none of the described systems support an HCI automatic generation, which is a key concept for system adaptability to patient monitoring. The main contributions are now briefly reviewed.
At Boulder, Colorado, a Neural Network House has been developed to control neural networks: thermal energy, heating, and lighting without user programming [19]. The neural network approach has been used to achieve fuzzy logic comfort automation. This concept does not handle the health domain, which would be well worth exploring with an additional parameter.
The Aware Home [1] from the Georgia Institute of Technology is an experimental laboratory of 1536 m2 on three floors. It is used for the conception, development, and evaluation of new home automation technologies. It offers an experimental area that could be useful for validation purposes.
The House of the Future [13], Massachusetts Institute of Technology, provides user activity service recognition based on the record and analysis of videos. This approach involves additional system costs that need to be taken into consideration. It also needs to be evaluated in the light of non-invasive approaches prevalent in some countries.
The MavHome Project (Managing an Adaptive Versatile Home), Texas University of Arlington, defines the house as a system agent that must maximize the users’ comfort while minimizing the costs [8, 9]. We acknowledge the health parameter that is required for an application designed for elderly people.
Elite Care (Creating an Autonomy-Risk Equilibrium) [2] is a Portland automation house that involves a method for non-intrusive movement recognition while people are sleeping. This work focuses on a different level from our study concerns, as it is a recognition service.
In Toronto, Canada, a video tracking system monitors all the comings and goings of older adults through hand movement recognition [18]. As depicted in reference [13], this system is a recognition service that is not incompatible with the work presented in this paper.
HichL’ intelligent house [24] from Professor Matsuoka, based at Osaka, Japan, detects automatically unusual events like falls. This detection is made with a network of 167 sensors. This could also provide a complementary service to our system.
The Gator Tech Smart House [12], Florida, defines an intelligent house that is designed to assist older individuals with smart devices. This work could be enhanced to integrate the automatic application generation.
The goal of the GerHome Project is to conceive and experiment technical solutions for e-Health to help the elderly maintain autonomy and provide comfort, security, monitoring, and home assistance. In Reference [25], a monitoring system based on video that analyzes people’s behavior is described. The activity recognition success rate varies between 62% and 94% on the data record of two volunteers.
The Domus Laboratory of Sherbrooke University of Quebec studies cognitive assistance, focusing on the medical health status of people with cognitive or mental disabilities and Alzheimer persons [14]. In Reference [7], the authors present a sequential pattern of data collected from the environment but without audio-video recording.
The CHISTAR study [4] promotes the experts’ collaboration using a health data cloud centralization concept. The whole process to generate the final application is not covered in the paper, but one can suppose it would be feasible to inter-operate with the proposed models.
The Next Generation e-Health Services [15] project proposes a contribution of an e-Health Service at the framework level. It presents a technical way to interface health services on the next generation IP networks. It includes profiles for expert collaboration. The proposed approach is interesting; however, it is difficult to evaluate the work that must be done to implement it in our context.
Works on m-Health Service [22] concern mainly body area networks development on a free spectrum license; this could not be implemented in our project because we rely on the Bluetooth Low Energy protocol for medical sensors.
Many others applications exist; for instance, there is a housing project for dependent elderly people (EHPAD) in Nice-Antibes, France, that provides two private habitations for e-Health and person assistance. The SIGAAL Project for older people with dependencies also aims to reduce isolation and reinforce social links. Work from Reference [17] proposes a design process for dynamic service adaptations in diffuse contexts in which the “adaptive medium” approach interconnects different software components of a different nature.
To summarize, most of the projects mentioned above handle specific aspects: recognition, health at home, dynamic services, and smart devices assistance, in a largely technical domain. Our contribution proposes to address the complex relationship between experts and the dialogue needed to set up a final customized user application in the e-Health domain.
Thus, the work proposed in this paper shows developments from previous studies started several years ago. Danah has been developed to control various home automation equipments independently from the communication protocol. From this, Reference [23] proposes an original approach for automatic scenario detection based on command services analysis rather than any external video or sensors. Finally, the Intel’Home Project [3] was the first to succeed in defining a design methodology workflow for e-Health with home automation, using the environment and individuals’ interaction models. The work presented in this paper is the continuation of this approach, on which it is based. We extend the concept by generalizing it to multiple experts and by adding complementary concepts such as contacts and an alert system, while supporting multiple independent smart device interfaces in an industrial context.
3 ASIM Project
3.1 Objectives and Partners
This section presents our experience of the ASIM project.
This project addresses the e-Health domain. It is designed to control home automation processes and to assist the monitoring of elderly people. The principle is based on the collaboration of various experts: doctors, occupational therapists, family members, user, installer, etc. They fill multiple parameters regarding the final user, and thus they enable the complete generation of the control/command application for the latter. The monitoring measures can be remotely planned and directly carried out by the elderly person, if possible. This approach seeks to reduce drastically the important costs of e-Health, in order to make it more accessible, and achieves this by reducing specialists’ home interventions.
To achieve this goal, the LabSTICC laboratory and its partners, namely VITY Technology (for home automation control) and Kaptalia (for health sensors), are developing together a multiprotocol server (SMM) embedding health sensors and an easy-to-configure UI. This feature enables the dynamic generation of a usable application dedicated to an individual elderly person, hence providing a solution that takes into account the particularity of each person.
3.2 Scenarios and Requirements
The ASIM project involves two health centers as basic requirements. On the one hand, the Vannes Health Hospital (http://www.ch-bretagne-atlantique.fr/) has provided the scenario for e-Health using a hospital. On the other hand, the Kerpape Rehabilitation Center (http://www.kerpape.mutualite56.fr/) has provided the scenario for people with cognitive and/or motor disabilities who can return home. This approach gives us three main scenarios:
e-Health with hospital monitoring: The patients return at home after hospitalization; their health condition no longer necessitates critical monitoring, but they require distant monitoring whereby health data are handled by the hospital staff. In this scenario, nurses visit the patients or call them to take health measurements (non-invasive arterial pressure oxygen saturation, electrocardiogram, etc.). A Hospital e-Health dedicated server collects the data that are protected for medical secret. It is the hospital personnel who are responsible for dispatching and interpreting the protected data. A VITY Application server collects the alerts and data concerning the home control.
e-Health without hospital monitoring: The patients do not require advanced medical monitoring, but an auxiliary nurse or family members are involved. Only a VITY application server is used to handle the classic alerts (falls, wandering, etc.) and any home control alerts. The patients or the family members can use the data for their own concern. Health parameters can be exploited through a green, orange, or red smiley for legal reasons. Generally, it is the family (for an elderly person), or an occupational therapist (after rehabilitation), or a health personnel member (retirement home, generalist doctor, etc.), or even the patients themselves if they are able to, who will set up the ASIM system in the Definition phase.
AAL: People who require neither hospital nor medical monitoring can use the system for home control, comfort, energy, or security concerns. In this case, the individuals are as much administrators as users.
Note that the handicap or illness is a transverse parameter to these scenarios. Depending on the handicap, the user or a responsible person can set up the system. Depending on the patient’s state of health, the experts are going to collaborate on the selected scenario.
3.3 Multiexpert Collaboration
Currently, in the e-Health domain, most research efforts appear to focus on problems from a technical point of view that is necessary, but not sufficient. For instance, current approaches focus on a comfort maximization system, neural network, fuzzy logic control, advanced user service auto-recognition, low fall detections, etc. Most systems, however, do not take into account the patient’s illness evolution, or the evolution of the user’s needs, which require adapting the system gradually. Changes to the hardware or to the system services imply modifications to the UI, but also to the control/command system.
The ASIM project aims to help directly the patient/user at the source and requires the collaboration of experts to achieve health recovery while promoting the patient’s return home. The health process leading to a home return is complex because it includes multiple stakeholders who are experts in their field.
Thus, the collaborative approach proposes to collect multiple expert points of view through different parameters. Experts include, but are not limited to, doctors, occupational therapists, family members, installer, and final user. This collaboration enables the dynamic generation of a usable application dedicated to an individual person because any illness is particular to each person.
We also include conventional concepts and add the principle of close relatives through a contacts list, the planning of medical intervention from a nurse, and the global warning system that can alert a contact and start an action or scenario after a specific medical event or other home event.
The participative multiexpert collaboration approach is presented in Figure 1. Actors shown on the perimeter of the circle interact on the Generation Server interface to set up the user’s dedicated parameters. They all fill the questionnaire form concerning their domain. Experts interact together or separately depending on the situation and the opportunities. The main advantage is to promote discussion and to raise consensus. The first action starts by selecting a global ASIM scenario, in the outer ring.

Multiexpert Collaboration to Generate the Final User Application.
In the middle ring, the collaborative approach is used to separate the concerns. The experts enter information concerning the patient: the person and his/her personal links (CNT model), environment (ENV model), interactions, control/commands and scenarios (INT model), medical, energy, or home alerts (CNT model), and the UI aspects (HCI model).
In the inner ring, only an installer can describe a technical solution independently from the multiexpert decisions. Hardware protocol diversity is a recurrent problem in home automation. An installer could integrate various target systems from KNX, ZWave, EnOcean, IP, 868 MHz, 434 MHz, etc., which must be handled specifically. Most technical models are inferred from previous middle ring models (Home, Alerts, Scenarios, Equipments, Interfaces, Language, Cat_Marques, Cat_Equip) after which the installer configures the runtime data of the specific equipment.
Any one of the experts can, after all phases have been completed, generate the final user application and transfer it to the smart system target for use.
3.4 System Architecture
The global system architecture, in Figure 2, describes the steps required to gather the expert views and update the final user application that has to respond to the user’s specific situation.

Global Architecture with the Application Server (Application Generator) and the ASIM Server (Applications and Home Controller).
From the doctor’s diagnosis, the installer’s specification, the occupational therapist’s specifications, the user’s needs, and the decisions mutually taken, the experts first define (i) their specific parameters through the questionnaire form that is available on the application server on the Web (see Section 4). This can be done separately and at different times. When the main information is provided, the dedicated application is generated for the targeted smart device(s) and kept on this server. Any expert, including the family members and the user, can regenerate an application at any time if requirements change. Concerned people may be informed in that case.
At home, the user can require at any time an upload (ii) for a specific application, which is then stored in the ASIM Server. Finally, the user can use (iii) and take advantage of the new assistance application deployed on the ASIM Server.
3.5 The Hardware Box – ASIM Server
The whole system control is embedded in a hardware box named the ASIM Server or the SMM Server. The ASIM Server box is designed to facilitate the monitoring of medical data in connection with a hospital. The server supports health sensors such as non-invasive arterial pressure (PNI), oxygen saturation sensor (SatO2), and electrocardiogram (ECG). These sensors are provided by Kaptalia Monitoring, which specializes in health sensors electronics.
The server box, shown in Figure 3, supports environment assistance through the Home Automation Control interface. Home Control involves many normative protocols, and the box has to be configured for multiprotocols to support the main standards. VITY chooses to implement support for KNX, 868 MHz, Bluetooth Low Energy (for the health sensors), and IP network.

ASIM SMM Server Hardware Prototype Board.
Technically, the ASIM Server embeds a Freescale 1.2 GHz Cortex A8 processor with 512Mo DDR3 RAM. It is powered by PoE using the LAN 10/100 RJ45 connector; it comes with two USB 2.0 connectors for optional USB dongle; and a microSD slot card provides the mass storage needed. At system level, the server uses an Androïd 2.3 OS stored in the microSD card.
One interesting concept is that the card is multiprotocol enabled by embedding a Wi-Fi 802.11 g module, and can be extended by supporting extra protocols like 434 MHz and EnOcean by using optional USB keys. Thus, the hardware is interoperable with different standard protocols and can evolve to adapt to various scenarios.
4 Application Generation – Process
The approach extends the multiexpert concept and adds the principle of close relatives through a contacts list, the planning of medical intervention from a nurse, and the global warning system.
4.1 Resolution Approach
The five issues identified in Section 1 need to be addressed. To resolve the first issue (i), the various responsibilities in the process, we chose to rely on model-driven engineering (MDE) to separate the points of view and establish the relationship of the model with the main acquisition concepts. Meta-models are then created while model transformations derive and aggregate the multisource information. This also ensures consistency for all models conform to meta-models.
To design an easily definable system (ii), we chose a questionnaire form. Thus, the generator proposes several pages grouped by topics and concerns that are significant for a family member, health-care personnel, or a technical installer.
This approach is also interesting for the process reconfiguration (iii) because page chaining can be modified and uncorrelated from meta-models data storage. Two processes have been created: one for the e-Health with hospital and one without a hospital link.
To be adaptive (iv), the UI aspect is completely generated from a skin pattern approach. Several skins are already defined in the system, so the user only has to select one. A skin is a set of a model transformation that gives the UI structure, images that provide the aspect part, and a renderer that translates the interface into the final applicative format.
To provide an upgradeable system (v), the equipment relies on a device database that supports external updates. The equipment defines not only the structural features but also the aspects for a specific target. This means that each device can expose configuration or control pages specific to itself, like a virtual equipment setup.
4.2 The Generative Workflow – Application Server
The proposed generative workflow presented in Figure 4 describes the main process in three phases: the Definition phase for the experts, the Junction phase mainly for the installer, and the Generation phase launched by the users or their family.

The Generator’s Application Design Workflow.
The Definition phase needs to acquire the users’ specific concerns: their contacts, medical planning, and alerts (CNT model). Included will also be the home environment with all its equipment (ENV model) and interactions with the system, which include anything from basic services to complex scenarios (INT model). Finally, UIs with accessibility parameters (HCI model) are included.
The Junction phase describes how the technical part system will act physically. It is mainly the installer part as most parameters are technical. All the equipment is specified by defining the model and mark (or a generic type if necessary). Then, the low-level commands are detailed and coded in the output protocol format (KNX, IR, IP, etc.) for each equipment service. Originally, it was also intended to modify the final UI dynamically in WYSIWYG; however, this feature has not been implemented yet, due to time constraints.
Finally, the Generation phase, as it is named, aims at the generation of the complete final user control/command application for the SMM server. After this, the users can interact with the application as long as it is necessary, but they can make changes at any time. Changes can result from new software requirements, e.g., a user scenario that evolves, or the need to change a section part of their interactions, etc. Changes can also result from the hardware installation of a new piece of equipment. In these cases, a stakeholder or the users themselves (if it is possible) can modify the user application by restarting the design workflow anywhere. The state of the previous meta-models is saved so that one can reedit them completely or in part.
4.3 Generative Application – Questionnaire Form (UI)
The Generator Application has been built as a wizard questionnaire form, shown in Figure 5, to facilitate the models’ definition for the Definition and Junction phases.

ASIM Generator Interface Using a Questionnaire Form on a Page.
The users must enter various parameters in successive pages. The supported features in the Definition phase for the e-Health with hospital scenario are as follows:
A light patient profile: this part is designed to personify the system a little, but it is not the patient’s medical file.
The medical measurement planning: this establishes the medical measures programmed for the patient. Alerts can be sent if a particular measure has not been entered after a defined delay.
The medical alerts: these calibrate the measurement criteria.
Other parameters for e-Health without hospital are optional but necessary for home control and comfort usage, and other features are as follows:
The home description: administrative information about the localization and postal address of the place of residence.
The description of the rooms: this is necessary to establish space partitioning. Typically, the domicile is split into areas such as floors, which contain rooms.
The installed home equipment: the system defines the list of equipment items per room. These are taken from a database maintained by VITY.
Each equipment item has basic interaction services; they must be authorized or not depending on the user’s illness.
The patient interacts with the system, thanks to basic services or global scenarios. Typically, scenarios roll out basic interactions or call up subscenarios. For example, at 7 a.m., the system automatically opens the shutters. Scenarios can also be grouped by modes.
One of the most interesting features is the system’s ability to fire alerts. In the medical, energy, comfort, and security domains, alerts can be defined: at automatically programmed hours and days, or by system events, the system sends an alert and warns a close relative or a specific contact, and triggers a command or a scenario in reaction.
Finally, the global interface is defined with the skin selection, the widgets grid size, and the architecture structure. From this, various targets can be created (e.g., smartphone, tablet, TV) with their own accessibility criteria.
The Generator application has been built as a Web application wizard, shown in Figure 5 to facilitate the application definition. The stakeholders must enter various parameters.
The flow enables a family member or a health-care provider to define four important concepts. The users’ profile with their contacts, medical planning, and the system alert rules that warn contacts are first defined in the contact model (CNT).
Then, the users’ environment model (ENV) is specified. It describes the home context with its rooms and the various controlled equipment for each room. At this stage, the family members/health-care personnel do not have to worry about the technical aspects such as the equipment bus protocol or address configuration.
The interaction model (INT) defines the way the users interact with their environment. The family members/health-care personnel can authorize or restrict the different equipment basic services. The interaction model also includes scenarios that build high-level services with advanced rules for a given functioning mode. A functioning mode is a user-requested system state that provides adapted services for that state. For example, when people are out of their home, they can activate the “I go out” mode that will close the shutters and turn off all the lights and electronic systems. Scenarios can be created for each mode; for example, in the “I am at home” mode, the “Wake-up” scenario can be designed to open shutters automatically at wake-up time.
Finally, the UI model (HCI) sets up the final UI depending on various accessibility parameters. By default, the system proposes four main interface assistants: a moving cursor for the selection of items, a speech description for blind persons, a voice recorder for command analysis, and a zoom for visually impaired persons. The interface model also defines the target screen size, the button size, and other accessibility parameters depending on a hardware target such as TV, smartphone, or tablet. The family members/health personnel can also choose between different skins to select a specific interface design.
An electric installer is included in the Junction phase. This phase mainly defines how the system works. The environment model has already been defined by the health personnel, but the equipment configuration needs to be set up. In this phase, the installer programs the type of equipment, the bus control protocol, equipment address, service IR recording, service address/command parameters, etc.
At the end, both the family members/health personnel and the installer can generate the application and export it on the SMM server. This enables the installer to check the global control system and the health personnel to activate the newly generated application.
5 Meta-models Description
Each phase relies on specific meta-models that are listed in Figure 6. A phase is composed of substages using information found on the questionnaire pages.

Meta-model Links in the Process Phases.
5.1 Contact Meta-model (CNT)
The CNT model is presented in Figure 7. The central class is the Person; it contains an identifying field. This field is important to associate the medical measures to a hospital patient on the Hospital server. It also contains further information about the patient’s birthday and native language.

CNT Meta-model Handling Profile, Contacts, Planning, and Alerts.
A person could have several Homes, but one principal home should probably be selected for ASIM. The Home class contains the postal address that supplements the structural definition in the ENV meta-model.
The Contacts field includes people who are necessary for monitoring purposes. A contact has a name, a preferred contact method (telephone, text message, email, etc.), contact details (phone number, email address), and a short description of the link with the patient (parent, neighbor, etc.). Contacts have their own time slot to define preferential communication slots.
The Day field is formatted as a set of seven days for a week. Each day set is encoded with one character (1=reachable, 0=unavailable), which gives a string text such as “1111100” to show that all weekdays are included but not the weekend. StartCallHour and EndCallHour define the time slot for the days concerned.
A patient could have several usage domains: medical, energy, comfort, and security. In each category, it is possible to create specific alerts. An alert rule details the resource that requires monitoring. The monitoring is based on several value ranges that define the inferior and superior thresholds for sending an alert. An alert has a priority level from 0: disable, 1: alert, 2: alarm, to 3: emergency. Each valid alert rule is linked to a basic or complex scenario action, and specific contact persons.
5.2 Environment Meta-model (ENV)
The ENV meta-model (Figure 8) and the INT meta-model are compatible with the ones proposed by the work done on Intel’Home [3]. In a synthetic way, the ENV model describes a habitation based on the component approach. Each floor or room is an Aggregate_Component that contains home automation components (Basic_Components). In ASIM, the meta-model has been enhanced to take into account generic components from the industrial database. In this way, a Generic_Component inherits from a Basic_Component to describe a real generic component driver because a Basic_Component is abstract. The components are now detailed using the type fields in the class Component, which means one can add new equipment without the drawbacks of modifying the meta-model to create the new classes.

ENV Meta-model.
Each Generic_Component owns operations that are filled automatically by the VITY devices database (equipment). The operations are associated with the basic services provided by the equipment; for example, a HiFi station has services such as ON, OFF, VOL+, VOL-, etc.
The device abstraction part is handled as follows: the VITY company maintains the device database description the ASIM box can handle. The database is not as huge as one can imagine because the system includes abstract devices. Many devices use standard functions like ON/OFF for lights, adding a variable value for gradators; nevertheless, TV is more complex because it can support multiple functions and channels. For non-standard functionalities, dedicated devices are created to handle these specificities. We could also cite the Prosysts OSGi framework and OpenHAB, which are probably the closest solutions to provide an alternative way for the device abstraction layer.
One advantage of the VITY control device system is its learning feature that is able to record IR code commands without knowledge of the manufacturer protocol, and replay them on demand. The other way is the KNX standard, which provides KNX addresses to control compatible devices. These two concepts are the key to success in implementing the hardware abstraction layer.
5.3 Interaction Meta-model (INT)
The INT meta-model is close to the one described by Allegre et al. [3], with a few improvements (Figure 9). It defines the interactions the users/patients can have with the system. The Profile class contains interactions. In ASIM, it defines a specific usage mode that aims at grouping scenarios by usage. The basic interactions are nevertheless always at default index 0, and the other scenarios per mode are at index >0. The main differences from original studies are the forbidden interactions; these have not been implemented in ASIM, because interviews with Kerpape users have shown that patients are resistant to forbidden actions. This feature could be worth considering with wandering Alzheimer’s patients; however, this is another issue, beyond the scope of this paper.

INT Meta-model.
As the components are integrated in the model as a resource together with their operations, resources and operations are automatically named with a conventional format: Room_Component_Operation. By convention in ASIM, resource at index 0 is reserved for an empty Resource (unassigned); similarly, an empty operation is at index 0. This is to avoid errors when saving the model, even if some interactions do not refer to a valid resource or operation.
For the interactions, we can find the services at the system control level, which is a Semantic_Level (/an action): either N1_BasicService for a basic service or N2_Composite for the scenario type. In the latter case, we rely on a state (in the finite state machine) to refer to another interaction. The composed services contain a basic service (N1) or a composed service (N2). It is important to define first the basic services at the default index 0, and then to create the scenarios that use basic or composed services of a different mode. Care must be taken to avoid a reentrant scenario, which is an infinite loop.
The activation types vary. In C1_Manual, the users can activate the order from their interface; in C2_SemiAutomatic, the users see a pop-up on the interface asking them to confirm the order. In the C3_Automatic activation type, the system automatically launches the order by respecting conditional rules: at a given schedule, or by a specific resource state.
5.4 UI Meta-model
The model-based UI community has been working on this particular topic since over 20 years. Calvary et al. [6] defined the Cameleon Reference Framework with four layers of abstraction for this purpose. Guerrero Garcia et al. [11] are working on the UsiXML language to implement such features, and [20] provide the MARIA language and development tool for similar goals.
The main problem with the UI is the variety of device combinations that require very custom-made UIs. Thus, combining multiple features into a UI might require complete UI redesigns for different devices, home settings, and modalities. It is not trivial to automate this process.
We do not resolve this issue, unless we adopt a complete mapping of all the cases. It is the worthy solution; nevertheless, the number of hardware UI targets could be grouped into three to four categories: small (mobile phone), medium (tablet or assistant), high (PC), and huge (4 K). Thus, we develop three different HCIs for each device; the UI definition is attached into the device database.
To perform this, the HCI model contains the global aspect data: skin type, interface organization, widget grid size, and all the accessibility parameters. This meta-model is adapted from previous studies carried out by Ferry on VisualSNI [10].
In Figure 10, the root SNI class embeds the global HCI data, while the UDCs define the target HCI material: TV, smartphone, or tablet. Each target includes other UDCs that detail the categories: audio, video, and control. Each category contains the input units used to acquire the ergonomic and accessibility parameters. The overall features implementation is covered by the ASIM kernel engine.

SNI Meta-model.
5.5 VITY Meta-models
When the four models are defined, they are translated in the Junction phase to specific VITY target models. As transformations are defined at meta-model level, we have developed VITY meta-models. As they are proprietary, we cannot investigate too much; we can just observe that each device supports dedicated virtual equipment control pages per target. The UI model has a generic HCI description approach based on windows, pages, layers, and widgets. Then, this UI model is translated by using an elected skin and rendered to the target HCI platform format using the renderer.
6 Final User Application
The design implementation joins two worlds. On the one hand, the world of scientific research brings new systems based on concepts that are developed on the Eclipse platform. On the other hand, there is the industrial system that uses embedded systems with low-power platforms.
The developed approach relies on an application server that can handle multiuser requests for heavy requests. The server uses the RAP (Rich Ajax Platform) technology from Eclipse to deploy standalone Eclipse RCP on the Web. Thus, only the interface is transferred to the users who can use it from any Web navigator that supports JavaScript and qooxdoo. This target enables potentially most smartphones and tablets, in addition to computers, to configure the SMM server and to deploy it.
Configuration and the whole generation process are kept on the distant server, mainly because several configurations can be generated but also for computational performance reasons. Then, the SMM (home) server can connect to the distant server to upload the working user’s application. This approach needs an Internet connection but significantly reduces the performance needed on the SMM box server from a cost and power perspective.
To validate the HCI presented in Figure 11, we tested the validity of the multiusers definition approach, in collaboration with the Kerpape Rehabilitation Health Center. Returns came from the Electronic Laboratory and occupational therapists from different services, who provided the first feedback before the final user experiments.

Final HCI Example Generated for the User Application.
7 Results
7.1 Analyses of Work Performed
Currently, the application generator has been successfully developed. The software supports the acquisition of all the models: the patient environment, the definition of the home interactions, the global alerts and contacts system, etc.
A number of experiments were carried out with the generator, enabling us to obtain feedback through the electronic laboratory of the Kerpape Rehabilitation Center. These experiments provided assistance for the global process acquisition phase and many suggestions regarding graphical enhancements, always for the users’ benefits in terms of usability.
Next, we outline how the proposed system handles the five issues delineated in Section 1. The common multientry interface invites many individuals to interact in the definition phase, according to their skills. This is a crucial point, as multiple expert responsibilities are needed to define the system (i).
The acquisition phase has been successfully implemented with a questionnaire form. This helps structure the process while enabling the multiexpert support easily (ii). The use of MDE as the technical approach has enabled us to separate the concerns and establish relationships with the main acquisition concepts. The workflow itself is highly reconfigurable (iii), as new pages can be created, inserted, or modified to rebuild the definition process phase as needed.
The generator also embeds the application HCI skin engine, which enables the pattern-based generation and the customizable universal access parameters. It is responsible for the generation of all the control/command application parts in an adaptive (iv) and automated way. Thus, it is easy to regenerate an application based on the change of devices, new interface requirements, or health evolution.
With the generator, it has also been easy to add new equipment with a dedicated configuration page. For demonstration purposes, we have easily added two specialized TV components and a light system, mostly through a copy-and-modify approach. Thus, we can guarantee industry professionals that they can modify the system as they wish by entering new devices to extend their base. Hence, we provide a fully upgradeable system (v).
As a result, the solution handles interoperability in a convenient way, owing to an independent link between health-care meta-models and the industrial ones. Thus, the conceptual and the technical part are linked together and can be interoperable, actually with both the Danah academic platform and the ASIM industrial platform, opening the way for commercial deployment in a real-life e-Health context.
7.2 Perspectives for the Future
Experiments have shown that the Generator interface needs enhancements to be more user-friendly, usable, and intelligible. The questionnaire appears a good choice, but some pages need extra descriptions for an intuitive usage. For example, the title bar that shows the current position of an item in the form could be enhanced by using buttons that could also be used to jump to a specific page directly.
Thus, in the short term, it is possible to add a special interface to acquire automatic scenarios in which the users can enter the start-timed event. Similarly, the Contacts model provides privileged callback hour ranges, but the interface does not show the feature. The global generator aspect could be greatly improved, as our work focused mainly on the generator workflow and its feasibility itself and very little on the graphical part. A few studies in these areas ought to be envisaged.
In the medium term, the home acquisition could be enhanced by using a MagicPlan-like application. Additionally, a KNX importer can map KNX addresses directly for the installer. Complex scenarios use a linear description, but meta-models support both complex parallel and linear combinations; thus, a graphical editor with pluggable boxes could be developed.
In the long term, we could imagine a preview graphical editor where users can edit the final interface directly in real-time. Due to the Eclipse release used, the GEF-RAP was not ported on it. The next release (4.x) will now support GEF-RAP.
Future testing in medical structures would enable us to carry out experimentations with patients and obtain more data regarding the interest in this kind of system and the user improvements required.
8 Conclusion
This paper has presented the collaborative workflow of an e-Health application system. The concept presented involves gathering the participation of multiple stakeholders ranging from family members and health personnel to technicians, to provide automatically an appropriate final user control/command application for a home health assistant. The implementations have validated the functional aspect of the system.
For the ASIM project, we have based all the requirements and the experimental feedback close to the Vannes Hospital and the Kerpape Rehabilitation Center. This enabled us to build real-case scenarios, based on real requirements. Our contribution mainly provides a methodology and a technical solution. This innovative approach greatly reduces the time needed for the conception of a home automation system by avoiding the complex steps of a back-end application coding.
Our research has successfully provided a demonstrator that has validated the overall process and shown the validity of the crucial key features supported. Future studies would aim to enhance, in the short term mostly, the UI graphical part, then add small assistants for easy use, and finally, bring a complex graphical editor supporting real-time preview into the system. For now, the generative system has been successfully developed, and we are waiting for industrial concerns to finalize the SMM kernel for industrialization purposes. Discussions are in progress to extend these studies in the area of mode usage and automatic determination, and to bring new perspectives to the growing domain of energy efficiency, comfort, security and health at home for older people.
We wish to thank the Kerpape Rehabilitation Center personnel for their help and the useful advice they provided. We also thank Kaptalia Monitoring and the e-Health Service of the Vannes Hospital for their help regarding many issues. We thank VITY Technology (project leader) for the Hardware SMM Server realization. This work has been supported by a National e-Health grant.
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