Computational intelligence techniques are being investigated as an extension of the traditional fault diagnosis methods. This article presents, for the first time, a scheme for fault detection and isolation (FDI) via artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic. It deals with the sensor fault of a three-link selective compliance assembly robot arm (SCARA) robot. A second scheme is proposed for fault detection and accommodation via analytical redundancy, and it deals with the sensor fault of a three-link SCARA robot. These proposed FDI approaches are implemented on Matlab/Simulink software and tested under several types of faults. The results show the importance of this process. Then, the sensor faults are detected and isolated successfully. Also, the actuator faults are detected and a fault tolerance strategy is used for reconfigurable control using a sliding-mode observer.
1 Introduction
The processing and monitoring signals of systems, detecting and isolating possible faults, present one of the important research areas in modern control and signal processing. A number of approaches for fault detection and isolation (FDI) were developed. They could be classified into two categories: one based on an analytical model and the second based on free model methods. The first method uses the model of a system to generate a signal called residual, which becomes large in the case of fault and small in the absence of a defect. Sensor and actuator faults are detected and identified using analytical redundancy as presented in different works [14, 19, 32].
The second category is based on intelligent techniques. The latter has many advantages: complexity, uncertainty, and disturbance system modeling. Therefore, these techniques are required in this problem type, where the detection and isolation of the fault for the actuator and sensors of the specified system will be guaranteed with desired performances. Many works are used in neural network methods to adopt the detection sensor/actuator failures for various systems as presented in References [1, 21, 23, 29].
A system can be fault tolerant if it is reconfigurable, a case for which FDI is essential. A number of studies have been dedicated to the assessment and analysis [11, 26] of robot reliability. Other studies related to enhancing a robot’s tolerance to failure include work on layered failure tolerance control, failure tolerance by trajectory planning kinematic failure recovery, and manipulators specifically designed for fault tolerance. Being able to identify the extent of fault tolerance in a system would be a useful analysis tool for the designer [8, 30]. In recent years, neural networks have been applied to variety of problems in the areas of pattern recognition, signal processing, image processing, process identification, etc.
Fault diagnosis and isolation methods are usually based on the residual generation and analysis concept [24, 25]. A mathematical model is used to reproduce the dynamic behavior of the fault-free system; the deviation of the output predicted by the model from actual output measurements forms the so-called residuals, which, when properly analyzed, provide valuable information about failures. In this article, we focused on sensor and actuator faults. In fact, the contribution of this article derives from using intelligent techniques (neural network for detection and fuzzy logic for localization).
The article is organized as follows. The robotic manipulator system is described in Section 2 together with some methods for FDI in this system. Section 3 introduces the proposed intelligent technique using the neural network for sensor fault detection and fuzzy logic for isolation. Section 4 presents the strategy used and a set of fault scenarios to illustrate the efficacy of the proposed FDI system, as well as a summary of results. Section 5 introduces the proposed analytical redundancy using the sliding-mode observer for fault detection and accommodation. The non-linear observer is designed to provide the estimation of unmeasurable state and modeling uncertainty, which are used to construct the fault estimation algorithm. The effectiveness of the control and the fault tolerance strategy is analyzed in simulation in Section 6.
2 Manipulator Fault Diagnosis
2.1 The Manipulator Robot Model
The dynamic model of the robotic system can be derived via either the Lagrangian or Newton–Euler methods [10, 12, 18, 28]. Generally, a healthy manipulator arm is described by the following system of differential equations:
2.2 Artificial Neural Network Principles and Application
The neural network is a technique that has the capacity of modeling a complex system. It is considered a “black box” model.
In this case, the operator does not need the physical theory because the neural network could learn the relationship between the input and the output. To get the desired outputs, the weights of artificial neural networks (ANNs) need to be adjusted using a learning algorithm such as the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm. This training algorithm is more powerful and faster than the conventional gradient descent technique.
2.3 Fuzzy Logic Principles and Applications
The fuzzy logic control process consists of three different stages: fuzzification, control rules evaluation, and defuzzification. During the fuzzification stage, crisp values of the input variables are converted through the membership functions (MFs) and fuzzy sets into fuzzy values. Then, the fuzzified input values are evaluated through the control IF–THEN rules and the control output is generated. Fuzzy output is then converted back to crisp values through one of the various defuzzification methods [27].
2.4 Diagnosis Principles
The FDI scheme is divided into two steps: detection step and isolation step. The first is based on generating a signal called residual. It used like an indicator of the occurrence of the fault. These signals are the comparison between the real measurements of the output system (provided by the robot model) and those of the neural network (which indicate the normal operation). If the difference is equal to zero, then the equipment systems operate in a healthy state; otherwise (residual ≠ 0), they are affected by a fault, which should be isolated. The role of the second step is to identify the element attached by the fault. To get the adequate decision, this phase requires a technique that deals with uncertain data. The most appropriate technique is the fuzzy logic. It needs an expert system. Figure 1 shows the different stages of the adopted strategy.
2.5 Sliding-Mode Observer
The basic idea of the proposed approach for residual generation is the synthesis of a robust sliding-mode observer. Thus, the estimated states are used to generate robust residuals that can detect the presence of defects [6, 13, 31]. Figure 2 illustrates the principle of this method.
3 Residual Generation and Neuro-fuzzy Decision
Fuzzy logic systems can be combined with neural networks to design neuro-fuzzy structures whose successful applications rely on the ease of the rule-based design, linguistic modeling, applicability to complex uncertain and non-linear systems, learning abilities, and parallel processing.
3.1 Residual Generation
In this article, a multilayer perceptron (MLP) with a back-propagation algorithm is used to reproduce the behavior of non-linear dynamical systems and a second MLP is used for residual classification. For a p-dimensional input vector and a q-dimensional output vector, the MLP input/output relationship defines a mapping from a p-dimensional Euclidean space to a q-dimensional Euclidean output space. Using only one hidden layer, presenting in the n-th sample (where n = 1, 2, …, np), the input vector X(n)=[X1(n), X2(n), …, Xp(n)]T, the activation of the output neuron k (where k = 1, 2, …, q) is
where m is the number of neurons in the hidden layer, Wjk is the weight between the j-th neuron of the hidden layer and the k-th neuron of the output layer, Wji is the weight between the i-th neuron of the input layer and the j-th neuron of the hidden layer, ϕk is the non-linear activation function of the output layer, and ϕj is the non-linear activation function of the hidden layer. In this article, the weights of the MLP are trained by the well-known back-propagation algorithm.
In discrete time, the state equation of a fault-free non-linear dynamic system is given by
where x(t) is the state vector at time t, u(t) is the applied control vector, Δt is the sample rate, and f(·) is the vector-valued non-linear function of the fault-free system.
Considering now that a fault i occurs, the dynamics of the system are modified to
where gi(·) is the vector-valued non-linear function of the system affected by fault i. The faults may or may not be additive inputs (i.e., dependent only on the time variable). The i-th fault vector can be defined as the difference between the faulty system dynamics [Eq. (4)] and the fault-free system dynamics [Eq. (3)]:
Obviously, for the fault-free system, Ψi(t+Δt).
Generally, for each possible fault i, the fault vector Ψi has a particular behavior, called the fault signature. For the identification of the fault type, the fault vector must be computed and analyzed. Therefore, the dynamic behavior of the fault-free system [Eq. (3)] must be estimated (e.g., by the mathematical model or by an ANN). Then, when fault i occurs, the residual vector can be computed as
For residual generation in mechanical manipulators and as mentioned above, an MLP is used to approximate the state equation (dynamic function) of the fault-free manipulator. The dynamic of a fault-free robotic manipulator with actuators in each joint is given by
where θ is the vector of joint angular positions, τ is the vector of joint torques, M is the inertia matrix, t is the time index, C is the vector of Coriolis and centrifugal forces, G is the vector of gravitational torques, F is the vector of frictional torques and other non-linearities, and τd is the vector of external uncorrelated disturbances. In this work, residual analysis for fault isolation purposes is performed with a neuro-fuzzy network utilizing the positions residuals. A general schema is shown in Figure 1.
Outputs 1 through q-1 correspond to the q-1 possible failure modes, while output q corresponds to fault-free operation. The ANN’s output i (i = 1, …, q-1) is trained to present a “1” in case fault i occurs and “0” otherwise. The output q is trained to present a “1” in case of a fault-free operation and “0” otherwise.
In the FDI procedure, the normalized positions applied at t are presented to the MLP, which estimates the positions at t+Δt; the MLP outputs are compared with the normalized positions and velocities measured at t + Δt to generate the residuals; the position residuals are presented to the neuro-fuzzy network, which classifies the residuals and generates a vector that indicates the operation status of the system.
3.2 Residual Evaluation
The task of residual evaluation can be achieved by a neuro-fuzzy decision. A neuro-fuzzy network is based on the association of fuzzy logic inference and the learning ability of neural networks. The neuro-fuzzy approach is a powerful tool for solving important problems encountered in the design of fuzzy systems, such as determining and learning MFs, determining fuzzy rules, and adapting to the system environment.
The main points of the residual evaluation procedure are described below.
3.2.1 Residual Fuzzification
It consists in converting the numerical values of residuals into linguistic variables. Each input (residual) may be described by three linguistic variables: negative, zero, and positive. Each linguistic variable is represented by an MF that has generally a triangular or trapezoidal shape. The linguistic variable zero defines the range where the residual may be considered to be unaffected by a fault. The linguistic variables, negative and positive, define the residual amplitude ranges indicating the presence of a fault. The corresponding MFs give the extent to which a residual is or is not affected by a fault.
3.2.2 Neural Network Structure
For fault diagnosis, it is desirable to use a neural network to model the non-linear relationship between the fuzzified residuals and the fault decision functions. An MLP network is therefore a good candidate. Moreover, to account for memory in the decision process, it is necessary to use a recurrent neural network (RNN). The RNN may be implemented as a neural model described by
where Dk(fi), i = 1, …, nf, are the fault decision functions also referred to as fault indicators and fi are the faults acting on the process. The regression vector contains the fuzzy residuals Ri(k), i = 1, …, nr, and the delayed decisions Dk(fi), i = 1, …, nf. Because of the feedback introduced, the recurrent neural model may be realized by a three-layer MLP. This is illustrated by the example given in Figure 3, which shows a residual evaluation scheme processing three residuals (r1, r2, r3) to diagnose three faults (f1, f2, f3). The corresponding neural network has the following architecture: an input layer with 12 units representing all possible states of the fuzzy residuals together with the past decisions, a hidden layer having 4 units, and an output layer with 3 units each assigned to a decision function. The use of this RNN architecture ensures reliable dynamic decision making [3].
3.2.3 Training
Before online use, network training is performed for all possible fault scenarios. During training, a residual pattern corresponding, e.g., to fault f1, is applied to the network input and a “1” is assigned to the corresponding output. The network weights are then adjusted by an appropriate algorithm, thus enabling the neural network to learn the imposed input/output pattern. The use of the back-propagation algorithm is recommended [7]. The ultimate goal of the training is to achieve the extraction and selection of the necessary parameters defining the inference rules.
4 Simulation Results
Results using Matlab simulation are next presented to assess the ability of this diagnosis approach based on neural and fuzzy techniques to detect and isolate faults in a robotic manipulator.
To evaluate our ANN-based FDI method, we performed an extensive simulation study with a three-link SCARA robot. The dynamic equations, which can be derived via the Euler–Lagrangian method, are represented as follows:
in which q1, q2, and q3 are the angles of joints 1, 2, and 3; m1, m2, and m3 are the mass of links 1, 2, and 3; l1, l2, and l3 are the length of links 1, 2, and 3; and g is the gravity acceleration. This simulation study demonstrates that the presented scheme is effective when applied to real-life robotic systems. The simulation was conducted using Matlab and Simulink.
4.1 Residual Generation
The MLP used to reproduce the manipulator dynamic behavior has one hidden layer with 49 neurons. The input layer has nine neurons [three joint positions, three joint velocities, and three joint torques measured at (t+Δt)] and the output layer has six neurons [three joint positions and three joint velocities at (t+Δt)]. The training set is formed from 2500 patterns obtained by simulating >90 different trajectories with 25 samples each (at a sample rate of 0.073 s).
Two test sets are used to validate the residual generation. The first set has 5000 patterns obtained in the simulation of 200 random trajectories with a sum of the squared error of the MLP, E=0.019. The second set has 5000 patterns with measurement noise (with variance=0.01) added to the positions and velocities.
4.2 Residual Evaluation
The linguistic variables describing the fuzzified residuals are defined by the following MFs: N, negative residual with a trapezoidal MF; Z, zero residual with a triangular MF; and P, positive residual with a trapezoidal MF.
After many tests on the residuals for different fault sensor situations to achieve a good trade-off between missed detections and false alarms, the following MFs for each residual were selected:
Residual 1 N1 = [–1 –1 –2e–4 –2e–4] Z1 = [–1.9e–4 0 5e–3] P1 = [6e–3 5.991e–3 1 0.91]
Residual 2: N2 = [–1 –1 –2.031e–4 –2e–4] Z2 = [–2e–4 0 1e–3] P2 = [0.99e–3 1.001e–3 1 1]
Residual 3: N3 = [–2 –2 –5e–5 –5e–5] Z3 = [–5e–5 0 0.025] P3 = [0.029 0.022 1 1]
The RNN used in this simulation study is shown in Figure 3. Its training is based on the rules summarized in Table 1, which have been obtained after many simulation tests. The learning operation realized by the back-propagation algorithm converged after 4800 epochs with a sum of the squared error, E=0.0125.
No. | N1 | Z1 | P1 | N2 | Z2 | P2 | N3 | Z3 | P3 | D1 | D2 | D3 |
1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
3 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
4 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
5 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
6 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
7 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Each row of the inference table represents a rule. For example, rule 2 is expressed as follows:
IF {residual 1 is positive and residual 2 is negative and residual 3 is zero} THEN sensor 1 is faulty.
4.3 Fault Diagnosis
Various simulation tests have been performed to validate the efficiency of this diagnosis scheme, and the results are quite conclusive. For illustrative purposes, only a few fault scenarios are discussed.
4.3.1 Case 1
A non-additive fault is injected on the joint (magnitude fault=0.03). The corresponding residuals are shown in Figure 4. Although a single fault may induce changes in several residuals (here, a fault on joint 1 affects the first residual positively and the second residual negatively at time t = 0.5 s), the decision functions ensure successful detection and isolation of the fault on sensor 1, as shown in Figure 4. The neuro-fuzzy classifier has been trained to recognize the faulty situations from the fuzzified residual patterns according to the rule base given in Table 1.
4.3.2 Case 2
A non-additive fault is injected on joint 2 at t = 0.5 s (magnitude fault = 0.02). The residuals and the corresponding decision functions are shown in Figure 5.
4.3.3 Case 3
A non-additive fault is injected on joint 1 at t = 0.2 s (magnitude fault = 0.01) and on joint 2 at t = 1.2 s (magnitude fault = 0.02). The residuals and the corresponding decision functions are shown in Figure 6.
4.3.4 Case 4
A non-additive fault is injected on joint 2 at t = 0.2 s (magnitude fault = 0.02) and on joint 2 at t = 1.2 s (magnitude fault = 0.05). The residuals and the corresponding decision functions are shown in Figure 7.
In this section, the sensor faults are detected and isolated successfully using a neuro-fuzzy scheme. In the next section, another approach is used for actuator fault detection and accommodation using a sliding-mode observer.
5 Robust Sliding-Mode Observer Proposed
Consider the system subjected to faults and disturbances, defined by the following equation:
where x ∈ Rn, u ∈ Rm, and y ∈ Rp represent the state vector, control vector, and output vector, respectively. d ∈ Rq and f ∈ Rp are the disturbances and faults of the system, respectively.
If there is a constant matrix T, satisfying the condition TEd(x) = 0, then it is possible to define a residual generator sensitive to defects and insensitive to disturbance, according to the following system of equations:
Equation (9) can be rewritten as follows:
By multiplying both sides of the equation by a vectorial function of appropriate size, we have
If T(x) is chosen to verify the following condition:
then the decoupling of disturbances is assured and thus we define the vector residual to be equal to
However, because of the direct calculation difficulty of the latter, an observer of defects was proposed in the following form:
The dynamics of error estimation of the residual is given by
However, assuming that the gain of the observer is defined so that the dynamics of the observer is much faster than the system, then
We therefore find that the matrix N(x) must be positive definite because the estimation error of residual tends to zero asymptotically.
However, an inconvenience of the implementation of this observer is the difficulty of the knowledge of the derivative of state. To eliminate this term, we propose the introduction of a variable z such that
The dynamics of z is given by
By replacing
We remark that if T(x) and N(x) are constant and independent of x, then it is possible to write Eq. (15) in the form
Thus, the dynamics of z no longer depends on the derivative of the state. Once z estimated, it is possible to find the residual whose value is given by
Thus, the residual generator is proposed in the following form:
The proposed approach presents very interesting properties for the detection and isolation of defects. First, it is applicable for linear and non-linear systems. It allows the decoupling of an unlimited number of unknown inputs and requires no restrictive conditions. This approach differs from others because it is based on the decoupling of residuals and not on the decoupling of the estimated states. However, [2] this method has limits that are due to the difficulty of determining a decoupling constant matrix and the necessity to verify the condition given by Eq. (17).
6 Fault Tolerant Control Method Proposed
This section proposes a method for fault tolerant control using the observer described in Section 5 for detecting and locating defects.
Consider the system whose nominal model is defined by the following equations:
where x ∈ Rn, u ∈ Rm, and y ∈ Rp represents the state vector, control vector, and output vector of the system, respectively. Various types of defects, additive and multiplicative, can affect the system. They may result from dysfunction or aging of equipment. In general, additive faults represent an inefficiency of actuators and sensors; multiple faults coincide with internal defects in the system. It is important to note that in the literature of fault diagnosis, the distinction between additive and multiplicative faults is sometimes necessary; however, in the fault tolerant control, the goal is to compensate for the effect of defects independently from this distinction [15, 17].
The occurrence of a fault in the system causes a change in its nominal model. Depending on the context, various model equations defaulting can be proposed. For example, it is possible to translate their effects as changes in the parameters of the model. The system is written as
where the index “f” denotes a variable failed, such as
where δA(x, u) and δC(x) represent the deviations of characteristic functions of the system. This representation adapts to the case of internal defects. Another way to represent the defects (used for the defects of actuator or sensor) consists of adding additive terms to the nominal model:
where Ef and Ff are vectorial distributions representing effect of defects on the system. It should be noted that the two representations [Eqs. (28) and (29)] are equivalent. It is, indeed, possible to pass from one to another without any difficulty.
Suppose that Ef and Ff satisfy the following property:
where fi≠ 0 and ei and fi represent the column i of Ef or Ff, respectively.
Thus, Eq. (29) can be rewritten in the form
The study that follows takes into account these last two representations. The structure of fault tolerant control that we propose is constituted of a module for detection and isolation, and an estimation module and a compensation of defects. This is illustrated in Figure 8.
Once a defect is detected by the module of diagnosis, its scale is estimated using the estimation module and, immediately, a compensation procedure is initiated to counter its effect. However, this compensation differs depending on the type of fault (actuator or sensor). We only treat the case of actuator faults or components.
Consider a system defined by Eq. (30). We assume that the latter is subject only to actuator or components faults. Consider the following proposal.
The estimation procedure of defects is performed according to the system of equations
where N is a matrix defined positive and
The re-configurable control is given by
where Un represents the nominal control in absence of defects and Uc an additive term for failure compensation. The latter depends on
To illustrate the method of the accommodation of defects, we propose an example. yd is the desired output. Consider the nominal model defined by the system of equations:
Suppose that the system is subject to defects of actuators components. The failure model is then given by
The design of fault tolerant control requires two stages. In the first, we synthesize a control law of the nominal model. The second is the compensation of the effect of faults in the system, after the detection and estimation of the latter.
6.1 Nominal Control
The error is then given by
The dynamics of this error is given by
To determine the nominal control, we propose to refer to the theory of Lyapunov. Consider the following function of Lyapunov defined positive:
For a choice of the nominal command given by Eq. (24), V is defined negative.
where Cg(x) is invertible and K is a defined positive matrix.
6.2 Estimation and Compensation for Failure
Once the defect is detected by the module of fault diagnosis, the estimation procedure and compensation is opened. The compensation must, of course, be performed within a minimum time to avoid a significant degradation of system performance. The method of compensation under study falls within the framework of the active approach [1, 21, 23]; it is an additive nominal control to counter the effect of defects. Therefore, we consider the model of the previous system failure, defined by the system of Eq. (35), and we define the function of Lyapunov [Eq. (39)].
The objectives are achieved for an order given by
Thus, the overall command begins in the form
where Un is the nominal command and Uc represents the term addendum to compensate for the effect of the actuator or missing component. Nevertheless, the introduction of this term after the appearance of the default requires an estimate of the latter. This can be done through the observer defects, defined in Section 6 by the system of equations
Hence, the additive command will be given by
When the states are not available, we propose to estimate them with a robust observer. It is possible to choose a sliding-mode observer. The estimator of defects will be given by
and the control additive in the form
where x identifies the estimated state.
7 Simulation and Results
7.1 Model of the Robot Manipulator
The dynamic model of the robotic system can be derived via either the Lagrangian or Newton–Euler method [2, 9, 22]. Generally, a healthy manipulator arm is described by the following system of differential equations:
7.2 Reconfigurable Control Using the Sliding-Mode Observer
Consider the model of the robot described above, given by the dynamic equation
Include actuators and components defects.
By asking
then Eq. (49) becomes
It is possible to rewrite Eq. (50) in the form
We will apply the proposed method in Section 6 for accommodation defects. The system of command tolerant defects is composed of two blocks: one block for the detection and isolation of defects, and another block for the estimation and compensation for the latter. The procedure is as described in this paragraph. It passes by two stages: the first is consecrated to calculating the nominal control law and the second to estimating and compensating for the defects.
The estimation of defects is done using the observer defects defined by
where N is defined a positive matrix; it was chosen to ensure a very fast convergence of the assessed value of default to its true value.
The compensation procedure is aimed to add the nominal command and additive terms given by Eq. (45), upon the occurrence of a default.
Simulations were performed in Matlab to validate our approach. By neglecting uncertainties, we introduced defects actuators at t = 3.5 s. Thereafter, we studied the fault tolerant control in the presence of uncertainties in modeling. It should be noted that similar results were obtained by the introduction of faulty components.
7.3 Simulation Results
For simplicity, a three-link SCARA robot is used in this study. The simulation was conducted using Matlab and Simulink. In the joints (components), the most present type of fault is friction [5]:
In SCARA manipulators, actuators are generally electric motors and faults may be classified as electric faults:
where K is the maximum value of α. The results of simulations in the case of a healthy, but subject to uncertainties, modeling show that residues vary and are moving away from zero. They are therefore sensitive to uncertainties in modeling. This creates false alarms and false detections.
We will now introduce the threshold detection to determine how it is possible to improve the detection of defects and reduce false alarms. The simulation results concerning the third actuator of the SCARA robot are illustrated in Figures 9–13.
8 Conclusion
In this article, a neuro-fuzzy scheme for online fault diagnosis was applied to robotic manipulators. This FDI approach relies on combinations of neural modeling and fuzzy logic, which can deal effectively with non-linear dynamics and uncertainties.
The proposed neuro-fuzzy FDI scheme is based on a two-step procedure: a neural network ARX (NNARX) model is used for residual generation and a recurrent fuzzy neural network performs the residual evaluation task. Fault diagnosis is achieved by training the network to recognize the fault signatures from the patterns of the fuzzified residuals. The successful results obtained in simulation demonstrate the efficiency of this neuro-fuzzy diagnosis scheme to detect and isolate sensor faults in robotic manipulators.
The new modeling technique was used to develop a very effective approach that both monitors the robotic system’s health and its environment, and provides significant improvements to its performance [4, 20]. It is robust with respect to unmodeled dynamics. Detection, isolation, and accommodation (FTC) can be easily reshaped to work with a wide variety of systems and faults. One of the great advantages of the approach is that it can be applied to hydraulic, electrical, or other types of robotic systems with minor modifications. Compared with the method using the radial basis function neural networks, this approach using the sliding mode gave better performance [16]. This approach gives the robotic system the tools to be aware of its constantly changing internal and external environment, identify or learn any faults, and accommodate them. FTC transforms a regular robotic system to a much more intelligent system, capable of self-monitoring and self-correcting. It provides the system with tools to eliminate or decrease the need for maintenance for non-catastrophic faults. Future work will expand the detection and tolerance routines and embed the framework into a more flexible expert system package. An important extension of this work is to implement a new algorithm to analyze the tolerance for each point in the operation process.
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