Strong convergence of an inertial extrapolation method for a split system of minimization problems Skip to content
BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access December 31, 2020

Strong convergence of an inertial extrapolation method for a split system of minimization problems

  • Anteneh Getachew Gebrie EMAIL logo and Rabian Wangkeeree
From the journal Demonstratio Mathematica


In this article, we propose an inertial extrapolation-type algorithm for solving split system of minimization problems: finding a common minimizer point of a finite family of proper, lower semicontinuous convex functions and whose image under a linear transformation is also common minimizer point of another finite family of proper, lower semicontinuous convex functions. The strong convergence theorem is given in such a way that the step sizes of our algorithm are selected without the need for any prior information about the operator norm. The results obtained in this article improve and extend many recent ones in the literature. Finally, we give one numerical example to demonstrate the efficiency and implementation of our proposed algorithm.

MSC 2010: 65K10; 90C25; 49J52; 47H09

1 Introduction

Throughout this article, unless otherwise stated, we assume that H1, H2 and H are real Hilbert spaces, A:H1H2 is nonzero bounded linear operator and I denotes the identity operator on a Hilbert space.

Assume Ci (i=1,,N) and Qi (i=1,,M) are nonempty closed convex subsets of H1 and H2, respectively. The multiple-set split feasibility problem (MSSFP) which was introduced by Censor et al. [1] is formulated as finding a point


In particular, if N=M=1, then the MSSFP (1) is reduced to the problem known as the split feasibility problem (SFP) which was first introduced by Censor and Elfving [2] for modeling inverse problems in finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces. The SFP and MSSFP arise in many fields in the real world, and numerous methods have been proposed to solve the SFP, see for example [3,4,5] and references therein, and MSSFP, see for example [6,7,8] and references therein. Moreover, there are some studies of fixed point problems in the framework of the MSSFP, see for example [9,10,11,12,13,14].

One of the most important problems in optimization theory and nonlinear analysis is the problem of approximating a solution of the unconstrained minimization problem. This can be stated as follows. Find x¯H such that


where f:H{+} is proper, lower semicontinuous convex function. Our goal is to introduce a strong convergence iterative algorithm with inertial effect solving the MSSFP (1), where Ci and Qj are solution sets of minimization problems of the form (2) for proper, lower semicontinuous convex functions fi and gj, respectively. We denote by argminf the set of all minimizers of f on H, i.e.,


If f is a smooth function (mostly if f is twice continuously differentiable), one of the numerical methods for finding approximate solutions of (2) is the Newton method, see [15,16]. Analogous method for solving (2) with better properties for the non-smooth case is based on the notion of proximal mapping introduced by Moreau [17], i.e., the proximal operator of the function f with scaling parameter λ>0 is a mapping proxλf:HH given by


The minimizers of f (points solving problem (2)) are precisely the fixed points of the proximal operator of f. Thus, solving the optimization problem (2) can be interpreted as finding fixed points of a proximal operator of f and proximal operators are firmly nonexpansive operators. This immediately suggests the most popular method


which is called the proximal minimization or the proximal point algorithm introduced by Martinet [18,19] and later by Rockafellar [20].

Let f:H1{+}, g:H2{+} be two proper, convex, lower-semicontinuous functions, where gλ is the Moreau-Yosida approximate [17] of the function g of parameter λ given by gλ(y)=minuH2{g(u)+12λyu2}. In [21], Moudafi and Thakur introduced a weakly convergent algorithm solving the following minimization problem:


in case argminfA1(argming). It should be noted that (3) is equivalent to the split minimization problem (SMP): finding a point x¯H1 with the property


Operator norm is a global invariant and is often difficult to estimate, see for example the Theorem of Hendrickx and Olshevsky in [22]. However, in the several split inverse problem types in the literature, the implementation of the proposed iterative method requires the prior knowledge of operator norm to determine the step sizes. To overcome this difficulty, López et al. [4] introduced a new way of selecting the step sizes for solving the SFP such that the information of the operator norm is not necessary. Moudafi and Thakur [21] used the idea of López et al. [4] to introduce a new way of selecting the step sizes, given by


with hλ(x)=12(Iproxλg)Ax2 and lλμ(x)=12(Iproxλμf)x2, such that the implementation of the iterative algorithm they proposed for solving (4) does not need any prior information about the operator norm. They proposed the following split proximal algorithm, which generates, from an initial point x1H1 assume that xn has been constructed and θλ(xn)0, then compute xn+1 via the rule


where step size μn=ρnhλ(xn)+lλμn(xn)θλμn2(xn) with 0<ρn<4 and if θλμn(xn)=0, then xn+1=xn is a solution of SMP (4) and the iterative process stops; otherwise, we set nn+1 and go to (5). Based on Moudafi and Thakur [21] many iterative algorithms are proposed for solving SMP (4), see for example those by Abbas et al. in [23], Shehu et al. in [24], Shehu and Iyiola in [25,26,27,28] and Shehu and Ogbuisi in [29].

An inertial term is a two-step iterative method, and the next iterate is defined by making use of the previous two iterates. An inertial extrapolation type algorithm, i.e., an algorithm combining an inertial term, was first introduced by Polyak [30] as an acceleration process in solving a smooth convex minimization problem. It is well known that combining an algorithm with inertial term speeds up or accelerates the rate of convergence of the sequence generated by the algorithm. Consequently, a lot of research interest is now devoted to the inertial extrapolation-type algorithm, see [31,32,33,34] and references therein. Very recently, Shehu and Iyiola [25] proposed an inertial extrapolation-type algorithm for solving the SMP (4) using the setting

  1. l(x)=12(Iproxλf)x2, l(x)=(Iproxλf)x,

  2. h(x)=12(Iproxλg)Ax2, h(x)=A(Iproxλg)Ax and θ(xn)=l(x)+h(x).

They proposed the following weak convergence result.

Theorem 1.1

Suppose the real parameters{αn}, {βn}and{ρn}satisfy the following conditions:

(c1){αn}is non-increasing sequence and0<δαn12,

(c2){βn}is non-increasing sequence and0βn1κ3<13for some,κ(0,1),

(c3)0<ρn<4, liminfnρn(4ρn)>0.

Then the sequence{xn}generated by the iterative algorithm

weakly converges to a point x¯solving the SMP (4).

Note that the proximal operator is a natural extension of the notion of a metric projection onto a closed convex set, i.e., proxλf=PQ, where f=δQ (f is the indicator function of a closed convex subset Q of H), and this perspective suggests various properties that we expect proximal operators to obey. However, there is a property that holds for the case of projection operators but not for the case of proximal operators in general. For example, consider a function h defined on H2 given by h(x)=12(Iproxλf)Ax2, where H1 and H2 are real Hilbert spaces, and f:H2{+} is proper lower semicontinuous convex function. The function h is not differentiable at x=±λ for the case H1=H2=, A=I and f(x)=|x|, see [26]. However, if f is the indicator function of closed convex subset Q of H2 (f=δQ), then h is convex and weakly lower semicontinuous on H1, and h is always differentiable and h(x)=A(Iproxλf)Ax, see [35].

Motivated by the above theoretical views, and inspired by results in [1,21,25], in this article we introduce the strong convergence theorem of an inertial extrapolation-type algorithm that incorporates a proximal operator, a viscosity method and an inertial term to solve the so-called split system of minimization problem (SSMP), given as a task finding a point x¯H1 with the property


where Φ={1,,N}, Ψ={1,,M}, fi:H1{+} and gj:H2{+} are proper, lower semicontinuous convex functions for iΦ, jΨ.

Let Γ be the solution set of SSMP (7), i.e.,


Note that if fi=f for all iΦ and gj=g for all jΨ, then problem (7) reduces to the SMP (4) that is the problem considered in [21,23,24,25,26,27,28,29]. The aims of this study are twofold: to improve the weak convergence result of an inertial extrapolation-type algorithm proposed by Shehu and Iyiola [25] to a strong convergence result for an approximation of a solution of the SMP (4), and to accelerate and improve the results in [9,10] in solving the SSMP (7).

This article is organized in the following way. In Section 2, we collect some basic and useful definitions, lemmata, and theorems for further study. In Section 3, we propose an iterative method for the SSMP and analyze the strong convergence theorem of the proposed iterative method. In Section 4, we give a numerical example to discuss the performance of the proposed method. Finally, we give some conclusions.

2 Preliminary

In this section, in order to prove our result, we collect some facts and tools in a real Hilbert space H. The symbols “” and “” denote weak and strong convergence, respectively. Let C be a nonempty closed convex subset of H. The metric projection on C is a mapping PC:HC defined by


Lemma 2.1

Let C be a closed convex subset of H. GivenxHand a pointzC, thenz=PC(x)if and only ifxz,yz0,forallyC.

Definition 2.1

Let T:HH. Then,

  1. T is L-Lipschitz if there exists L>0 such that TxTyLxy,x,yH. If L(0,1), then we call T a contraction with constant L. If L=1, then T is called a nonexpansive mapping.

  2. T is firmly nonexpansive if


    which is equivalent to TxTy2TxTy,xy,forallx,yH.

    If T is firmly nonexpansive, IT is also firmly nonexpansive.

  3. T is strongly monotone if there exists a constant α>0 such that

  4. T is inverse strongly monotone if there exists a constant α>0 such that


Lemma 2.2

For a real Hilbert space H, we have

  1. x+y2=x2+y2+2x,y,forallx,yH;

  2. x+y2=x2+2y,x+y,forallx,yH;

  3. x,y12x2+12y212xy2,forallx,yH.

A set-valued mapping T:H2H is called monotone if, for all x,yH, zTx and wTy imply xy,zw0. A monotone mapping T:H2H is maximal if its graph G(F)={(x,y):yF(x),xH} is not properly contained in the graph of any other monotone mapping. It is known that a monotone mapping T is maximal if, and only if, for all (x,z)H×H, xy,zw0 for all (y,w)G(T), implies zTx. If T:H2H is a maximal monotone set-valued mapping, then we define the resolvent operator JλT associated with T and λ>0 as follows:


It is well known that JλT is single-valued, nonexpansive (see, for example [37,36]) and 1-inverse strongly monotone (firmly nonexpansive). Moreover, 0T(x¯) if and only if x¯ is a fixed point of the resolvent operator JλT for all λ>0; see [38].

Let f:H{+} be a proper lower semicontinuous convex function. The domain of f is denoted by dom f; that is, dom f={xH:f(x)<}. We denote the subdifferential of f at xH by f(x), and is given by f(x)={yH:f(z)f(x)+y,zx,zH}. If f(x), f is said to be subdifferentiable at x. It is notable that a point x¯H minimizes f if and only if 0f(x¯). It is the classical result in operator theory that the subdifferential f is a maximal monotone operator and proxλf=(I+λf)1, namely, for xH we have the following equivalence between the subdifferential and proximal operator:


Consequently, a point x¯ minimizes f if and only if proxλf(x¯)=x¯. Hence, the convex minimization problem (2) can be formulated as finding fixed point of proximal operator.

Lemma 2.3

[39] Let{cn}and{γn}be sequences of nonnegative real numbers,{βn}be a sequence of real numbers such that

  1. IfβnαnMfor someM0, then{cn}is a bounded sequence.

  2. Ifαn=andlimsupnβnαn0, thencn0asn.

Definition 2.2

Let {Γn} be a real sequence. Then we say {Γn} decrease at infinity if there exists n0 such that Γn+1Γn for nn0. In other words, the sequence {Γn} does not decrease at infinity if there exists a subsequence {Γnt}t1 of {Γn} such that Γnt<Γnt+1 for all t1.

Lemma 2.4

[40] Let{Γn}be a sequence of real numbers that does not decrease at infinity. Also consider the sequence of integers{φ(n)}nn0defined byφ(n)=max{k:kn,ΓkΓk+1}.Then{φ(n)}nn0is a nondecreasing sequence verifyinglimnφ(n)=, and for allnn0, the following two estimates hold:


Let D be a nonempty closed convex subset of H. Then we say that the bifunction h:D×D satisfies Condition CO on D if the following assumptions are satisfied:

(A1) h(u,u)=0, for all uD;

(A2) h is monotone, i.e., h(u,v)+h(v,u)0, for all u,vD;

(A3) for each u,v,wD, limsupα0h(αw+(1α)u,v)h(u,v);

(A4) h(u,.) is convex and lower semicontinuous on D for each uD.

Lemma 2.5

[41] Let D be a nonempty closed convex subset of H and the bifunctionh:D×Dsatisfies Condition CO on D. Then, for eachr>0anduH, there existswDsuch that


The following lemma was given by Combettes and Hirstoaga in [42].

Lemma 2.6

[42] If D is a nonempty closed convex subset of H andh:D×Dis a bifunction satisfying Condition CO on D, then for eachr>0anduH, the mappingTrh:H(called the resolvent of h), given by

satisfies the following conditions:
  1. Trhis single-valued and firmly nonexpansive;

  2. Fix(Trh)={x¯D:h(x¯,y)0,yD}, where Fix(Trh)is the set of fixed points ofTrh;

  3. {x¯D:h(x¯,y)0,yD}is closed and convex.

3 Main result

First we extend the settings introduced by Moudafi and Thakur [21]. Let λ>0. Then, for xH1,

  1. for each iΦ, define li(x)=12(Iproxλfi)x2andli(x)=(Iproxλfi)x,

  2. l(x)=lix(x) and l(x)=lix(x), where ixargmax{li(x):iΦ}, i.e., l(x)=max{li(x):iΦ},

  3. for each jΨ, define hj(x)=12(Iproxλgj)Ax2andhj(x)=A(Iproxλgj)Ax,

  4. for each jΨ, define θj(x)=max{hj(x),l(x)}.


From (I)–(IV) given above, li(x)lix(x)=l(x),li(x)=12li(x)2,l(x)θj(x)andhj(x)θj(x)foralliΦ and foralljΨ.

Consider the parameter sequences satisfying the following conditions.

Assumption 1

Suppose {αn}, {εn}, {ρn}, {ξn(j)}(jΨ) be real sequences satisfying the following conditions:

(C1) 0<αn<1, limnαn=0 and n=1αn=;

(C2) εn>0 and εn=o(αn);

(C3) 0<ξξn(j)1 and jΨξn(j)=1 for each n1;

(C4) 0<ρn<2 and liminfnρn(2ρn)>0.

We have plenty of choices for αn and εn satisfying Conditions (C1) and (C2) of Assumption 1. For example, take αn=12n, εn=1n2. Thus, 0<αn<1, limnαn=0 and limnεnαn=0 (i.e., εn=o(αn)).

Using li, li, l, l, hj, hj, θj given in (I)–(IV) and step sizes given in Assumption 1, we are now in a position to state our inertial extrapolation-type algorithm and prove its strong convergence to the solution of the SSMP (7) assuming that solution set Γ is nonempty.

Algorithm 1

Initialization: Let V:H1H1 be a contraction mapping with constant γ. Choose x0, x1H1. Take arbitrary real numbers β and Θ^ such that 0β<1 and Θ^>0. Let {αn}, {εn}, {ρn}, {ξn(j)} (jΨ) be real sequences satisfying Assumption 1.

Step 1. Given the iterates xn1 and xn (n1), choose βn such that 0βnβ¯n, where


Step 2. Evaluate yn=xn+βn(xnxn1).

Step 3. For each jΨ find l(yn), hj(yn), θj(yn) and Ψn={jΨ:θj(yn)0}.

Step 4. For each jΨ evaluate μn(j)=ρnhj(yn)+l(yn)Θj2(yn), where


Step 5. Evaluate


Step 6. Evaluate xn+1=αnV(yn)+(1αn)zn.

Step 7. Set nn+1 and go to Step 1.


From Assumption 1 and Step 1 of Algorithm 1, we have that βnαnxnxn10,n. Since {αn} is bounded, we also have βnxnxn10,n.

Note that Step 1 of Algorithm 1 is easily implemented in numerical computation since the value of xnxn1 is a prior known before choosing βn.


If Ψn=, then



The solution set Γ of problem (7) is closed convex set, because the set of minimizers of any proper, lower semicontinuous function is closed convex and A is bounded linear operator. Therefore, the metric projection PΓ is well defined as we also assume that Γ is nonempty.

Lemma 3.1

For the sequences{xn}, {yn}and{zn}generated by Algorithm 1, we have

for allxˆΓ. Moreover,{xn}, {yn}and{zn}are bounded sequences.


Let xˆΓ. From the definition of yn, we get


Since proxλfi and proxλgj are firmly nonexpansive, Iproxλfi and Iproxλgj are also firmly nonexpansive, and since xˆ verifies (7) (since minimizers of any function are exactly fixed points of its proximal mapping), we have for all xH1




Using the definition of zn and Lemma 2.2 (i), we have


Noting hj(yn)Θj(yn) and l(yn)Θj(yn) and using the convexity of .2, we have


From (10) and (11), we have


In view of (12), (13) and (14), we have


Next show that the sequences {xn}, {yn} and {zn} are bounded. From (15) and (C4) of Assumption 1, we have


Using (9), (16) and the definition of xn+1, we get


Observe that by (C1) of Assumption 1 and Remark 3, we see that




Then (17) becomes


Thus, by Lemma 2.3 the sequence {xn} is bounded. As a consequence, {yn}, {V(yn)} and {zn} are also bounded.□

We now have the following strong convergence theorem for an approximation of solution of a Problem (7).

Theorem 3.2

The sequence{xn}generated by Algorithm 1 converges strongly tox¯Γ, wherex¯=PΓV(x¯).

Proof of Theorem 3.2

Claim 1: There exists a uniquex¯H1such thatx¯=PΓV(x¯).

As a result of


the mapping PΓV is a contraction mapping of H1 into itself. Hence, by the Banach contraction principle there exists a unique element x¯H1 such that x¯=PΓV(x¯). Clearly, x¯Γ and we have


Claim 2:The sequence{xn}converges strongly tox¯Γ, wherex¯=PΓV(x¯).

Let x¯Γ, where x¯=PΓV(x¯). Now


From Lemma 2.2(iii), we have


From (18) and (19) and since 0βn<1, we get


Using the definition of xn+1 and Lemma 2.2(ii), we have


Lemma 3.1 together with (20) and (21) gives


Since the sequences {xn} and {V(yn)} are bounded, there exists M1 such that 2V(yn)x¯,xn+1x¯M1 for all n1. Thus, from (22), we obtain


Let us distinguish the following two cases related to the behavior of the sequence {Γn}, where Γn=xnx¯2.

Case 1. Suppose the sequence {Γn} decreases at infinity. Thus, there exists n0 such that Γn+1Γn for nn0. Then, {Γn} converges and ΓnΓn+10 as n0.

From (23) we have


Since ΓnΓn+10 alternatively Γn1Γn0 and using (C1) of Assumption 1 and Remark 3 (noting αn0, 0<αn<1, βnxnxn10 and {xn} is bounded), we have from (24)


Conditions (C1) and (C4) of Assumption 1 (i.e., 0<αn<1, αn0 and liminfnρn(2ρn)>0) together with (25) yield


In view of (26) and the restriction condition imposed on ξn(j) in (C3) of Assumption 1, we have


for all jΨ.

Now, using the definition of zn and the convexity of .2, we have


Thus, (28) together with (26) gives


Moreover, using the definition of yn and Remark 3, we have


By (29) and (30), we get


Using the definition of xn+1, (C1) of Assumption 1 and noting that {V(yn)} and {zn} are bounded, we have The results from (31) and (32) give


For each iΦ and for each jΨ, hj(.) and li(.) are Lipschitz continuous with constant A2 and 1, respectively. Since the sequence {yn} is bounded and


we have the sequences {li(yn)}n=1 and {hj(yn)}n=1 are bounded for each iΦ and jΨ. Hence, the boundedness of {li(yn)}n=1 for all iΦ gives {l(yn)}n=1 is a bounded. Thus, we have {θj2(yn)}n=1 is bounded for each jΨ. Therefore, the sequence {Θj2(yn)}n=1 is bounded sequence for each jΨ. Consequently, using (27), we have


By definition of l(yn), we have li(yn)l(yn),foralliΦ. Therefore,


Let p be a weak cluster point of {xn}, there exists a subsequence {xnk} of {xn} such that xnkp as k. Then, in view of xnkp and (30), we also see that ynkp. The weak lower-semicontinuity of hj(.) implies that


That is, hj(p)=12(Iproxλgj)Ap2=0 for all jΨ, i.e., Ap is a fixed point of the proximal mapping of each gj, or equivalently, 0gj(Ap) for all jΨ. In other words, Ap is a minimizer of each gj for all jΨ.

Likewise, the weak lower-semicontinuity of li(.) implies that


That is, li(p)=12(Iproxλfi)p2=0 for all iΦ, i.e., p is a fixed point of the proximal mapping of each fi or equivalently, 0fi(p) for all iΦ. In other words, p is a minimizer of each fi for all iΦ. Thus, pΓ.

Next, we show that limsupn(IV)x¯,x¯xn0. Indeed, since x¯=PΓV(x¯) and pΓ we obtain


Since xn+1xn0 from (33), by (34) we have


Using Lemma 3.1 (the fact that znx¯ynx¯, i.e., from (16)), we have


Therefore, from (35), we have


Combining (36) and


it follows that


Since {xn} is bounded there exists M2>0 such that xnx¯M2 for all n1. Thus, in view of (37), we have


where δn=2αn(1γ)1+αn(1γ) and


From (35), (C1) of Assumption 1 and Remark 3, we have n=1δn= and limsupnϑn0. Thus, using Lemma 2.3 and (38), we get Γn0 as n. Hence, xnx¯ as n.

Case 2. Assume that {Γn} does not decrease at infinity. Let φ: be a mapping for all nn0 (for some n0 large enough) defined by


By Lemma 2.4, {φ(n)}n=n0 is a nondecreasing sequence, φ(n) as n and


In view of xφ(n)x¯2xφ(n)+1x¯2=Γφ(n)Γφ(n)+10 for all nn0 and (23), we have for all nn0


Thus, from (40) together with (C1) and (C2) from Assumption 1 and Remark 3, we have for each jΨ,


Using a similar procedure to that in Case 1, we have


Since {xφ(n)} is bounded, there exists a subsequence of {xφ(n)}, still denoted by {xφ(n)} which converges weakly to p. By a similar argument to that in Case 1, we conclude immediately that pΓ. In addition, by the similar argument to that in Case 1, we have limsupn(IV)x¯,x¯xφ(n)0. Since limnxφ(n)+1xφ(n)=0, we get limsupn(IV)x¯,x¯xφ(n)+10. From (38), we have


where δφ(n)=2αφ(n)(1γ)1+αφ(n)(1γ) and


Using Γφ(n)Γφ(n)+10 for all nn0 and ϑφ(n)>0, the last inequality gives


Since δφ(n)>0, we obtain xφ(n)x¯2=Γφ(n)ϑφ(n). Moreover, since limsupnϑφ(n)0, we have limnxφ(n)x¯=0. Thus, limnxφ(n)x¯=0 together with limnxφ(n)+1xφ(n)=0 gives limnΓφ(n)+1=0. Therefore, from (39), we obtain limnΓn=0, that is, xnx¯ as n.

This completes the proof.□


  1. Our iterative scheme has relatively low computational complexity compared to iterative schemes in [9] and [10].

  2. The implementation of our algorithm does not need any prior information about the operator norm.

  3. We can also use θj(x)=hj(x)2+l(x)2 instead of θj(x)=max{hj(x),l(x)} perhaps the proof for the strong convergence theorem is almost similar. It is clear to see that max{hj(x),l(x)}hj(x)2+l(x)2, for jΨ.


One of the main advantages of our algorithm is that the algorithm can be used to solve problems that can be converted to the fixed point problem of firmly nonexpansive mapping. The following are some examples.

  1. The split system of inclusion problem: Let Ti:H12H1, Uj:H22H2 be maximal monotone mappings for all iΦ and jΨ. The split system of inclusion problem is to find x¯H1 such that


    Replacing the proximal mappings of the convex functions fi and gj in Algorithm 1 by the resolvent operators JλTi and JλUj to the maximal monotone operators, and following the method of proof in Theorem 3.2, we obtain an inertial extrapolation-type algorithm with a strong convergence result for approximation of solution of a consistent split system of inclusion problem (43); see the resolvent operator defined in (8).

  2. The MSSFP: By taking fi=δCi and gj=δQj (the indicator functions) for iΦ, jΨ, and replacing proxλfi by projection mapping PCi, and proxλgj by the projection mapping PQj in Algorithm 1, we obtain an inertial extrapolation-type algorithm with strong convergence for an approximation of solution of the MSSFP (1).

  3. The split system of equilibrium problem: Let fi:H1×H1 and gj:H2×H2 be bifunctions, where iΦ, jΨ. Assume each bifunction fi and gj satisfy Condition CO on H1 and H2, respectively. The split system of equilibrium problem involves finding x¯H1 such that


Our result solves (44) by replacing the proximal mappings by the resolvent operators Tλfi and Tλgj in Algorithm 1 and then following the method of proof in Theorem 3.2; see the resolvent operator defined in Lemma 2.6.

It is worth mentioning that our approach also works for approximation of solution of SMP (4). Let Ω denote the solution set of (4), i.e., Ω={x¯argminf:Ax¯argming}, and assume that Ω is nonempty. Set l(x)=12(Iproxλf)x2, l(x)=(Iproxλf)x, h(x)=12(Iproxλg)Ax2, h(x)=A(Iproxλg)Ax and θ(x)=max{h(x),l(x)}. The following is an immediate consequence of our result.

Algorithm 2

Initialization: Let V:H1H1 be a contraction with constant γ. Choose x0, x1H1 and take arbitrary real numbers β and Θ^ such that 0β<1 and Θ^>0. Let {αn}, {εn}, {ρn} be real sequences satisfying the following conditions:

  1. 0<αn<1, limnαn=0 and n=1αn=;

  2. εn>0 and εn=o(αn);

  3. 0<ρn<2 and liminfnρn(2ρn)>0.

Step 1. Given the iterates xn1 and xn (n1), choose βn such that 0βnβ¯n, where


Step 2. Evaluate yn=xn+βn(xnxn1).

Step 3. Evaluate μn=ρnh(yn)+l(yn)Θ2(yn), where Θ(yn)=Θ^,ifθ(yn)=0;θ(yn),otherwise.

Step 4. Evaluate zn=yn12μn(h(yn)+l(yn)).

Step 5. Evaluate xn+1=αnV(yn)+(1αn)zn.

Step 6. Set nn+1 and go to Step 1.

Corollary 1

The sequence{xn}generated by Algorithm 2 converges strongly tox¯Ω, wherex¯=PΩV(x¯).


Setting fi=f for all iΦ and gj=g for all jΨ in Theorem 3.2, we obtain the desired result.□


The result in Corollary 1 is an improvement on inertial extrapolation-type algorithms in the sense that instead of weak convergence result proposed by Shehu and Iyiola in [25] we get strong convergence result.

4 Numerical results

In this section, we consider an example of the SSMP involving quadratic optimization problems. We study the behavior of our algorithm and compare with the proximal-type algorithms of [9] and [10]. The algorithm has been coded in MATLAB and is performed on a HP laptop with Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 250GHz 2.70GHz and RAM 4.00GB.


Consider the problem (7) for H1=p, H2=q, a linear transformation A:pq and functions


where A is q×p non-zero matrix, Bi is an invertible symmetric positive semidefinite p×p matrix and Di is the zero vector in p for all iΦ, u=(u1,,uq)q, .q is the Euclidean norm in q and h(uk)=max{|uk|1,0} for k=1,,q.

In this example, it is clear to see that Γ={0}. Now for λ=1, the proximal operators are given by


and proxλg2(u)=(proxλh(u1),proxλh(u2),,proxλh(uq)), where


In this numerical experiment, we use N=3, p=q, A is identity p×p matrix and B1, B2 and B3 are randomly generated invertible symmetric positive semidefinite p×p matrices.

Experiment 1 (Studying numerical behavior of Algorithm 1):Figures 1, 2 and 3 and Tables 1 and 2 describe the numerical results of our algorithm for this example, where V:pp given by Vx=γx and γ=0.5, αn=12nt, εn=1nr, ξn(j)=j3, β=0.9 and βn=β¯n for 0<t1, r>t, jΨ={1,2}.

Figure 1 For p=q=6p=q=6 and for randomly generated starting points x0{x}_{0} and x1{x}_{1}.
Figure 1

For p=q=6 and for randomly generated starting points x0 and x1.

Figure 2 For t=0.1t=0.1, r=0.4r=0.4 and for randomly generated starting points x0{x}_{0} and x1{x}_{1}.
Figure 2

For t=0.1, r=0.4 and for randomly generated starting points x0 and x1.

Figure 3 For t=0.2t=0.2, r=0.5r=0.5, p=q=500p=q=500, x1=δx0{x}_{1}=\delta {x}_{0}, where δ∈ℝ\delta \in {\mathbb{R}} and x0{x}_{0} is randomly generated starting point.
Figure 3

For t=0.2, r=0.5, p=q=500, x1=δx0, where δ and x0 is randomly generated starting point.

Table 1

For randomly generated starting points x0 and x1

t=0.1, r=0.2170.0127140.0169160.0269
t=0.95, r=3210.0136170.0185210.0304
t=1, r=10210.0129160.0164240.0299
Table 2

For t=0.55, r=8, p=q=4

x0=(1,2,3,4), x1=(4,7,5,10)x0=(5,6,7,8), x1=(4,7,5,10)

Tables 1 and 2 illustrate the execution time in second (CPU(s)) and the number of iterations (Iter(n)) of our algorithm when applied to this particular example. The stopping criterion in Tables 1 and 2 is defined as xnxn1x2x1TOL=104.

Experiment 2 (Comparison): We now compare our result with non-inertial extrapolated (non-accelerated) proximal-type algorithms [9] (ProxAL-A) and [10] (ProxAL-B). For this purpose, we use the following data:

Algorithm 1:V:pp given by Vx=γx and γ=0.5, αn=1n, εn=1n2, ξn(j)=j3 (jΨ={1,2}), β=0.8, βn=β¯n and ρn=110.

ProxAL-A:V=F=I, μ=1, γ=0.5, δn(i)=i6 (iΦ={1,2,3}), ξn(j)=j3 (jΨ={1,2}), αn=1n+1 and ρn=110, see [9].

ProxAL-B:δn(i)=i6 (iΦ={1,2,3}), ξn(j)=j3 (jΨ={1,2}) and ρn=110, see [10].

Figures 4 and 5 along with Table 3 present the numerical results of our algorithm (Algorithm 1) in comparison with ProxAL-A and ProxAL-B. Figures 4 and 5 show the error=xn versus number of iterations, while Table 2 shows the CPU time exclusion (CPU(s)) and the number of iterations (Iter(n)) of Algorithm 1, ProxAL-A and ProxAL-B for the stopping criteria xnxn1x2x1TOL=103.

Figure 4 For p=q=4p=q=4 and x0=(1,1,1,1){x}_{0}=(1,1,1,1), x1=10x0{x}_{1}=10{x}_{0}.
Figure 4

For p=q=4 and x0=(1,1,1,1), x1=10x0.

Figure 5 For p=q=80p=q=80 and x0=(10,…,10){x}_{0}=(10,\ldots ,10), x1=10x0{x}_{1}=10{x}_{0}.
Figure 5

For p=q=80 and x0=(10,,10), x1=10x0.

Table 3

For x0,x1p with x0=(100,100,,100) and x1=2x0

Algorithm 1ProxAlg-AProxAlg-B

From this preliminary numerical experiment, we observe that our algorithm crucially depends on step sizes, starting points and dimensions. Moreover, our proposed algorithm is efficient and easy to implement and outperforms the proposed algorithms in [9] and [10].

5 Conclusions

In this article, we introduce a strong convergence theorem for an inertial extrapolation-type algorithm for solving a SSMP (7). The problem we considered in this article is general for many of the problems considered in the literature concerning approximation of an unconstrained minimization problem, see for example [25,26,27,28,24,23]. Our result can also be applied to find a solution of the split system of inclusion problem, the MSSFP, and the split system of equilibrium problem. Furthermore, our result improves an inertial extrapolation-type algorithm proposed in [25] and also improves and accelerates algorithms in [9,10].


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Received: 2020-07-18
Revised: 2020-10-10
Accepted: 2020-10-26
Published Online: 2020-12-31

© 2020 Anteneh Getachew Gebrie and Rabian Wangkeeree, published by De Gruyter

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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