Trefftz Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Friedrichs Systems with Linear Relaxation: Application to the P1 Model Skip to content
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Trefftz Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Friedrichs Systems with Linear Relaxation: Application to the P1 Model

  • Guillaume Morel EMAIL logo , Christophe Buet and Bruno Despres


This work deals with the first Trefftz Discontinuous Galerkin (TDG) scheme for a model problem of transport with relaxation. The model problem is written as a PN or SN model, and we study in more details the P1 model in dimension 1 and 2. We show that the TDG method provides natural well-balanced and asymptotic preserving discretization since exact solutions are used locally in the basis functions. High-order convergence with respect to the mesh size in two dimensions is proved together with the asymptotic property for P1 model in dimension one. Numerical results in dimensions 1 and 2 illustrate the theoretical properties.

MSC 2010: 65N30; 65N15; 35Q70

A Time-Dependent Solutions to the P1 Model in One Dimension

We give the proofs of the propositions in Section 4.1 and provide more material on how to construct the stationary and time-dependent solutions (4.3) for the one-dimensional P1 model (4.1). First we recast (4.1) as in (1.2) with d=1, n=2, which reads:




In order to find the solutions (A.7) we search for particular solutions to (A.1) of the form


with λ and where 𝐪n is a polynomial in x and t. For example we consider


Using (A.2) in (A.1) and dropping the exponential term, one has


Extending 𝐪, one finds


This equality holds for all x and t, thus one gets the system


Therefore the solutions to (A.1) of the form (A.2) with 𝐪 given by (A.3) satisfy the system (A.4). We can now write the conditions (A.4) for the P1 model.

Lemma A.1.

The conditions (A.4) are


with λ=±εvσaσt.


First, a necessary condition for (A.4) to admit a solution is det(A1λ-R)=0. Since


one deduces


With this choice for λ, the matrix A1λ+R reads:


and one notices that


Thanks to the first and the second equations of (A.4) one has


From (A.6) one gets (A1λ+R)𝐪1=𝟎, therefore 𝐪3=𝟎. ∎

Proposition A.2.

The P1 model (A.1) admits the following four solutions:



One notices Ker(A1λ+R)=Span((σt,σa)T). Thus with 𝐰=(σt,σa)T and the relations (A.5) one gets


From the last equality of (A.5) one sees that -A1𝐪1-𝐪2(A1λ+R) which implies


Since the matrices A1 and R are symmetric, Ker((A1λ+R)T)=Ker(A1λ+R)=Span(𝐰). A necessary condition is then (-A1𝐪1-𝐪2,𝐰)=0 which is equivalent to


Finally, let 𝐪0=(q01,q02)T. From the fourth equation of (A.5) one gets q01=1σa(βσa-σt2σtσaσtq02). Thus one can choose 𝐪0 of the form


with γ. In summary, one has the following relations:


where β,γ. Because the solutions are of the form 𝐮(x,t)=(𝐪0+x𝐪1+t𝐪2+xt𝐪3)eλx, with λ=±εcσaσt, one finds the four basis functions (A.7). ∎

Now we construct linear combinations of the solutions (A.7) that remain stable in the case σa0. To make these solutions more convenient to read, we use the notations


Lemma A.3.

The following four functions are linear combinations of the solutions (A.7):



One defines the following linear combinations of the functions (A.7):


Then defining the four solutions


one gets the functions given in the statement of the lemma. ∎

We show that these solutions remain stable in the limit case σa0.

Proposition A.4.

When σa0 (σtσsε2), the solutions given in Lemma A.3 tend to the following functions:



One notices that


The limits of 𝐞~1(x,t), 𝐞~2(x,t) and 𝐞~3(x,t) are simply obtained by using the expressions (A.8) in the functions given in Lemma A.3. The limit of the second component of 𝐞~4(x,t) can be obtained in a similar way. It remains to study the first component of 𝐞~4(x,t). One has




one gets the expression of the limit of 𝐞~4(x,t). ∎

B Proof of Proposition 7.2

Lemma B.1.

Assume that the hypotheses of Proposition 7.2 are satisfied. Then for all 0ln-2 one has the identity



Let l, 0ln-2. For l1, -1l1l-1 we define the function


where we use the convention p=ab=0 for a,b and b<a. First we show f(l1)=f(l1+1) for -1l1l-1. Because u is solution to equation (B.1) one notices


Now we consider the definition (B.2) of the function f and study the difference f(l1+1)-f(l1). Cancelling all elements which appear in both f(l1) and f(l1+1), one finds


Using equality (B.3) to reformulate the fifth term on the right-hand side, one gets


Ordering the terms with respect to the derivatives gives


Using the definitions (7.3) and (7.4), one finds


Therefore one has f(l1+1)-f(l1)=0 for all -1l1l-1. One deduces f(-1)=f(l) which can be written as


Noticing from (7.5) that αl+20(𝐱)=βl+20(𝐱) and αl+21(𝐱)=βl+21(𝐱), one incorporates the two corresponding terms in the second sum. So one finds equality (B.1). ∎

Proof of Proposition 7.2.

Start from the Taylor expansion (7.2). From definition (7.3) one has αnp(𝐱)=Tnp(𝐱) and αn-1p(𝐱)=Tn-1p(𝐱). Therefore


One can recursively use equality (B.1) from l=n-2 to l=0. More precisely, rearranging the first sum, one has


One can reformulate the terms between brackets using (B.1) with the index correspondence n-2=l. One finds


One can now recursively repeat this simple operation using equality (B.1) for l=n-3 to l=0. One finally gets formula (B.4) where the first line is written for n=2, the term [] becomes a sum and the last term remains unchanged:


That is,


Noticing from (7.5) that α00(𝐱)=β00(𝐱),α10(𝐱)=β10(𝐱),α11(𝐱)=β11(𝐱), one finds the expression (7.6). ∎

C Interpretation of the One-Dimensional TDG Method as a Finite Difference Scheme

The goal of this section is to obtain the FD scheme (4.6) based on the Trefftz discontinuous Galerkin method (2.10) for the one-dimensional hyperbolic heat equation


ε*+, σs,c+. For the sake of simplicity we assume that σs is constant in the domain. This model can be written in the form of the Friedrichs system (1.2) with


We consider basis functions 𝐞i,l where i is the global number of the cell and l the local number of the basis function in the cell i. We denote by xi-12 and xi+12 the edges of the spatial cell ΩS,i, i.e. ΩS,i=[xi-12,xi+12] and xi the midpoint. We use two stationary basis functions defined as

(C.2)𝐞k,1(t,x)={(10)if (t,x)Ωk,(00)otherwise,𝐞k,2(t,x)={(-σscε(x-xk)1)if (t,x)Ωk,(00)otherwise.

We use the notation 𝐞i,1n,𝐞i,2n when designing the basis functions from the spatial cell ΩS,i at the time step n. Consider the bilinear and linear forms obtained from the decoupled formulation (2.11):


In the following, we will write explicitly the equality


for any time step n and any spatial cell ΩS,i. For simplicity we will consider periodic boundary conditions, a uniform space step h and a uniform time step Δt. Let us introduce some notation.

Definition C.1.



Since 𝐮k is a combination of the basis functions in each cell, one can make the following assumption.

Assumption C.2.

Assume that 𝐮k admits the following decomposition in each cell Ωk:


or, in an identical way, when considering the time step n and the spatial cell ΩS,i:


We can now write equality (C.4) using Definition C.1.

Proposition C.3.

Consider the model (C.1) and the basis functions (C.2). Equality (C.4) with periodic boundary conditions at the time step n in any spatial cell ΩS,i reads:



Since we consider periodic boundary conditions, the term


in the bilinear form and the term


in the linear form of (C.3) are equal to zero. One notices that


Therefore one has aT(𝐮,𝐞l,in)=CT,i,ln+CS,i,ln and l(𝐞l,in)=CT,i,ln-1. Equality (C.4) gives for l=1 and l=2 the first and second equation of (C.7), respectively. ∎

Now we can study the values of the coefficients CS,i,l and CT,i,l.

Proposition C.4.

One has



For simplicity we will use the notation


Since the function 𝐞i,l is only non-zero in the cell Ωi, one can write CS,i,l from (C.5) as


Using M±1-=-M1+, the decomposition (C.6) of 𝐮in and the fact that the basis (C.2) does not depend on time, we deduce that (C.10) reads:


For nt=0, one has


and one notices that


Recalling that for simplicity h=xi+12-xi-12 for all i and inserting (C.12) into (C.11), one finds (C.8) and (C.9) for l=1 and l=2, respectively. ∎

Proposition C.5.

One has



Since -Mknkn-1-=Im, we have


One notices that


Therefore, using the decomposition (C.6) of 𝐮in, one finds


Proposition C.6.

The scheme (C.7) reads:



Starting from (C.7), one has


We recall the decomposition (C.6):


In particular, considering the center of the cell, one finds αin=pin(xi) and βin=vin(xi). Therefore, using (C.8), (C.9) and (C.13) in (C.7) and making the simplification αin=pin and βin=vin, one finally gets the scheme (C.14). ∎


The authors thank the referees for their comments and remarks which helped to improve the quality of this work.


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Received: 2017-05-29
Revised: 2017-12-02
Accepted: 2018-02-27
Published Online: 2018-03-22
Published in Print: 2018-07-01

© 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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