Numerical Approximation of Space-Time Fractional Parabolic Equations Skip to content
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Numerical Approximation of Space-Time Fractional Parabolic Equations

  • Andrea Bonito , Wenyu Lei EMAIL logo and Joseph E. Pasciak


In this paper, we develop a numerical scheme for the space-time fractional parabolic equation, i.e. an equation involving a fractional time derivative and a fractional spatial operator. Both the initial value problem and the non-homogeneous forcing problem (with zero initial data) are considered. The solution operator E(t) for the initial value problem can be written as a Dunford–Taylor integral involving the Mittag-Leffler function eα,1 and the resolvent of the underlying (non-fractional) spatial operator over an appropriate integration path in the complex plane. Here α denotes the order of the fractional time derivative. The solution for the non-homogeneous problem can be written as a convolution involving an operator W(t) and the forcing function F(t). We develop and analyze semi-discrete methods based on finite element approximation to the underlying (non-fractional) spatial operator in terms of analogous Dunford–Taylor integrals applied to the discrete operator. The space error is of optimal order up to a logarithm of 1h. The fully discrete method for the initial value problem is developed from the semi-discrete approximation by applying a sinc quadrature technique to approximate the Dunford–Taylor integral of the discrete operator and is free of any time stepping. The sinc quadrature of step size k involves k-2 nodes and results in an additional O(exp(-ck)) error. To approximate the convolution appearing in the semi-discrete approximation to the non-homogeneous problem, we apply a pseudo-midpoint quadrature. This involves the average of Wh(s), (the semi-discrete approximation to W(s)) over the quadrature interval. This average can also be written as a Dunford–Taylor integral. We first analyze the error between this quadrature and the semi-discrete approximation. To develop a fully discrete method, we then introduce sinc quadrature approximations to the Dunford–Taylor integrals for computing the averages. We show that for a refined grid in time with a mesh of O(𝒩log(𝒩)) intervals, the error between the semi-discrete and fully discrete approximation is O(𝒩-2+log(𝒩)exp(-ck)). We also report the results of numerical experiments that are in agreement with the theoretical error estimates.

Award Identifier / Grant number: DMS-1254618

Funding statement: The first and second authors were partially supported by the National Science Foundation through Grant DMS-1254618.

A Proof of Lemma 3.2

The following lemma proved in [3] (see [3, Lemma 3.1]) and is instrumental in the proof of Lemma 3.2.

Lemma A.1.

There is a positive constant C only depending on s[0,1] such that

(A.1)|z|-sT1-s(z-1I-T)-1fCffor all z𝒞,fL2.

The same inequality holds Vh, i.e. with T replaced by Th and fVh.

Proof of Lemma 3.2.

Noting that




we obtain


where for the last step we used the definition of Th to deduce that πh(zTh-I)-1=(zTh-I)-1πh. We are left to prove


for a constant C is independent of h and z and where


To show this, we write


where γ:=2α*-α. We estimate the three terms on the right-hand side above separately.

We start with III and use the definition of the dotted spaces (see Section 2.3) to write


Applying Lemma A.1 (recall that δ[0,12(1+α)] and α[0,1] so that 12(1+α)-δ[0,1]), we obtain


where C is the constant in (A.1).

To estimate I, we start with the equivalence of norms (3.5) so that


Whence, the stability of the L2-projection (3.2) together with the equivalence property between dotted spaces and interpolation spaces (Proposition 2.1) as well as the definition of the discrete dotted space norm (3.4) lead to


We recall that α(0,1] and γ=2α~-α so that 12(1+γ)+s(0,1]. Hence, Lemma A.1 ensures the following estimate:


For the remaining term, Proposition 3.1 with 2s=1-γ gives


Combining the above estimate with (A.3) and (A.4) yields (A.2) and completes the proof. ∎

B Sinc Quadrature Lemma

The results of the next lemma are contained in the proof of [3, Theorem 4.1].

Lemma B.1.

Let 0<d<π4 and λ>λ1. Let z(y) be defined by (4.1) and Bd={zC:Im(z)<d}. The following assertions hold.

  1. There exists a constant C>0 only depending on λ1, b and d such that

    |z(y)-λ|Cfor all yB¯d.
  2. There exists a constant C>0 only depending on λ1, b and d such that

    |z(y)(z(y)-λ)-1|Cfor all yBd.
  3. There is a constant C>0 only depending on b, d and β such that

    𝔢(z(y)β)C2-βeβ|𝔢y|for all yBd.

Proof of the Lemma 4.1.

From the expression (4.13) of 𝔢(z(y)) in [3], we deduce that 𝔢(z(y)) is strictly positive for yB¯d={w:𝔪(w)d}. It follows from this and part (a) of Lemma B.1 that condition (i) of Definition 4.1 holds for gλ(,t) for λλ1 and t>0.

We now give a proof of (ii) and (iii) of Definition 4.1 simultaneously. Note that part (b) in Lemma B.1 together with (2.5) imply that for yB¯d,


Furthermore, the estimate on 𝔢(z(y)β) in part (c) of Lemma B.1 yields


This guarantees that




which yield (ii), (iii) and the bound on N(Bd). ∎


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Received: 2017-4-13
Revised: 2017-7-6
Accepted: 2017-8-9
Published Online: 2017-8-26
Published in Print: 2017-10-1

© 2017 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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