On the discrete Sobolev inequalities Skip to content
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On the discrete Sobolev inequalities

  • Sedrick K. Ngwamou EMAIL logo and Michael Ndjinga


We prove a discrete version of the famous Sobolev inequalities in ℝd for d ∈ ℕ*, p ∈ [1, +∞[ for general non orthogonal meshes with possibly non convex cells. We follow closely the proof of the continuous Sobolev inequality based on the embedding of BV(ℝd) into Ld/(d–1) by introducing discrete analogs of the directional total variations. In the case pd (Gagliardo–Nirenberg inequality), we adapt the proof of the continuous case and use techniques from prior works. In the case p > d (Morrey’s inequality), we simplify and extend the proof of Porreta to more general meshes.

JEL Classification: 65N08; 46E39


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Received: 2022-10-04
Revised: 2023-07-26
Accepted: 2023-08-20
Published Online: 2023-09-05
Published in Print: 2024-12-15

© 2024 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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