Mapping the semi-nested community structure of 3D chromosome contact networks | PLOS Computational Biology
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Mapping the semi-nested community structure of 3D chromosome contact networks

Fig 2

Hi-C maps, 3D communities, and domains.

(a) Hi-C maps where the red-to-blue pixel colors are a proxy for short-to-long 3D distances. The squares decorating the map’s diagonals represent GenLouvain-derived 3D communities for three γ values (0.5, 0.6, and 0.7). Above each map, we show the community coverage as a colored stripe. Having unique colors, we observe that the communities comprise scattered linear DNA segments. The white cross shows the centromere. (b) Community borders and coverage across chromosome 10 for 16 γ values. The upper turquoise stripe shows DNA stretches that never split for 0 < γ ≲ 1. We refer to these indivisible regions as domains. The smallest 3D domain is 100 kb long, which is the resolution limit of the Hi-C data set we use.

Fig 2
