Ten simple rules for creating a scientific web application | PLOS Computational Biology
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Ten simple rules for creating a scientific web application

Fig 1

The number of publications (1991–2020) mentioning “web applications” (including Tableau, Shiny Apps, and WebGIS) across all PLOS publications (dashed line; PLOS) and in select publications in fields related to natural resources management (solid line; non-PLOS) has risen exponentially since approximately 2015.

Data gathered from Web of Science on July 26, 2021 using the following advanced search Boolean: `TS = ("web app*" OR "shiny app*" OR "tableau" OR "webgis") AND (SU = ("Biodiversity & Conservation" OR "Environmental Sciences & Ecology" OR "Fisheries" OR "Forestry") OR SO = PLOS*)`.

Fig 1

doi: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009574.g001